Workflow and Data Entry

Suggested workflow for adding content to BTD web tool

The data entry is designed to work on a project-to-project basis. It’s useful to create a paper inventory beforehand, listing all of the contributors, organizations, locations, and media files that are included in a project. Once the inventory is complete, you can use it to check off the data that’s already been entered for another project.

It’s also useful to collect all the digital files together into one place before you begin. If there are media files that need to be attached to a project, it would be a good idea to collect them all in one folder. If several people are collecting data for the same project, then consider storing it in a folder in SFU Vault while you organize everything.

Describe the Categories and Roles

The categories and roles allow data to be organized in the application and once it has been deposited to the digital repository. Hopefully the categories and roles will be reusable from project to project, although you can always add new categories or roles as needed. The fields in the categories and roles are described in Category Fields.

Each of the categories and roles is accessible via the Browse menu in the top menu bar.

Artwork categories

Terms that describe the material or generic features of an artwork, i.e. installation, dance, performance, painting

Artwork roles

Terms that describe the relationship of a person to an artwork, i.e. artist (or the more specific “painter”, “sculptor”, etc.), composer, poet

Media file categories

Terms that describe the generic or content features of the media file, i.e. a program, an interview, a sample of an artwork. These categories are intended to describe the content of the media file. The format of the media file will be described as somewhere else, as metadata.

Project roles

Terms that describe the relationship of a person or organization to a project, i.e. sponsor, curator, designer, etc.

Project categories

Terms that describe the generic features of a project, i.e. an exhibition, a workshop, a lecture.

Venue categories

Terms that describe the function or type of space in which a project took place, i.e. gallery, bookstore, university.

Describe the Project

Once you’ve created the categories and roles necessary for your project, it’s time to begin entering information about the project itself.

Try not to dupliate any information. For example, if two projects use the same location, then that location only needs to be entered once.


The geographic location of the project: City, region and country (i.e. Boston, Massachusetts, USA).


A venue has a name, address, description, and URL. You can write the description yourself, or copy/paste it from the venue website. Select the location and venue category from the drop down menus.


The Location and Venue Category entries must already be populated.


Should Venue URL be optional? Should we allow more than one?


A person entry in the database has a full name (John Doe) and a sortable name (doe, john). The sortable name isn’t shown publicly. Person entries also have biographies.


A biography is different from an artist or project statement. Artist statements are entered elsewhere.


Organization entries have a name, address, description, URL, contact information.


Should Organization URL and contact be optional? Should URL be repeatable?


Create one entry for each artwork in the project. Describe the artwork by entering the title, description, materials, and copyright.


You will add images, video, audio and other digital representations of the artwork in the next step. This step focuses on a textual description of the work.


Artwork Category seems to be missing from the Artwork data entry page.

Media Files

Media files are digital images, photographs, video or audio recordings, or document scans of artworks. Media files can also include artist photos, PDFs of project programmes, or other materials.

Select a media file to upload, and choose the appropriate category from the drop down list.

Media File Metadata

Describe each of the metadata files that you have uploaded. Metadata element descriptors are provided by Dublin Core and described in Metadata for Media Files. Use the metadata system to describe the media file itself, rather than the physical object it might represent.

Add Media Files to Artworks

Browse to the artwork entries you created earlier and add media files to the artworks.

Add Media Files to People

If you’ve uploaded personal photos to the application for use in a bio, add the media file to the person’s entry.

Add project

A project brings together the different parts of of the application. It is the glue that binds everything together.

Enter the title, start date, end date, venues, excerpt (if needed), description, URL, project category. If the excerpt is blank, the application will create an excerpt from the first 100 words in the description.


Venues and project category are required fields, so if you haven’t already populated these fields, you won’t be able to add the project

Add media to project

Associate media files of the art works with the project. You shouldn’t add files of the artists or contributors here: they should be associated with the Person or Artwork pages as appropriate.

Add project contributions to project

Add links between people or organizations and the project. Be sure to describe the contribution using the contribution role drop down.

Add artworks to project

Create connections between the artworks for a project and the project.

Add project pages

Project pages are things like press releases, call for participation, registration instructions, or other project-specific information that needs to be preserved about a project. Don’t be shy about creating new pages for a project to preserve the content, but try not to duplicate information either. There’s a ballance to be found.

Created by Deanna Fong and Michael Joyce.