[Bio c. 2017] 

Jeffrey Schonberg is a medical and visual anthropologist.  He received his doctorate in Medical Anthropology from the Joint University of California, San Francisco and Berkeley program.  He currently lectures in the Department of Anthropology at San Francisco State University.  He is the co-author, (with Philippe Bourgois), of the photo-ethnography Righteous Dopefiend.  Righteous Dopefiend is currently in its 8th printing.  In 2015 Dr. Schonberg received the Paul Farmer award from the Society for Public Anthropology.  Dr. Schonberg has worked on projects in the U.S. on homelessness, addiction, gangs and inner-city violence, the drug economy and HIV; in Latin America on social upheaval and street youth. He is currently pursuing two projects—a manuscript that explores the embodiment of a history of racist social policies that emphasizes the context, event, political and personal aftermath of violence and murder that led to the deaths of two young men who lived on his block of twelve years in Oakland, California; as well as a new exploration into the world of virtual reality, researching and planning a project based on a community of homeless men and women in Berkeley, California.

Created 2019-05-01 3:43:19 PM. Most recently updated 2019-05-01 3:43:19 PM

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