Location: Hammer Café (101 Paseo de San Antonio (between 2nd and 3rd Street) Downtown San Jose)

Time: Friday, November 16, 2018 from 2-5pm (followed by an Cash Bar co-sponsored by the SVA from 5-6pm for all onsite installations and happenings)


Since 2009, Ethnographic Terminalia has curated exhibitions, installations, and workshops alongside the AAA meetings. These projects have benefited greatly from critical feedback and hands-on engagement from peers while contributing to a sense of productive play within the community. Over the past several years, the collective has engaged in a process of archiving the decade-long project to create a dynamic, open access online archive and pedagogical tool featuring artworks, projects, and events associated with Ethnographic Terminalia.


At the 2018 AAA Meetings in San Jose this archive will be in a beta test mode. Invited discussants and event participants (anyone registered for the AAA meetings and the public are welcome) will contextualize and problematize archiving art and anthropology in a rapidly changing digital humanities environment. Ethnographic Terminalia will provide a view into the development of the archive’s metadata and relational structure  while inviting participants to  offer critical feedback and discuss  the role of archives in teaching and art-making across disciplines. If you have participated in Ethnographic Terminalia over the years, how is your work represented and how could it be improved? If you teach in the area of art and anthropology, or visual and media anthropology, how could this tool be most useful to you and students?


The completed online archive will be launched at the 2019 AAA Meetings in Vancouver.  

This off-site event will be held in the café at the Hammer (just a 5-7min walk from the AAA meetings) and is open to all AAA registered attendees and the public. We will serve coffee, tea, and snacks and invite you to BYOL (Bring Your Own Laptop). This event is followed by a Cash Bar reception in the café from 5-6 pm, co-sponsored by the Society for Visual Anthropology.


The ET Archive Project is funded through the Social Sciences and Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and it is planned to launch formally late-2019 online in Vancouver to mark the 10 year anniversary and culmination of Ethnographic Terminalia. Ethnographic Terminalia is a curatorial collective grounded in a commitment to pushing the boundaries of anthropological scholarship and contemporary art through interdisciplinary exhibitions. Since 2009, the Ethnographic Terminalia Collective has been curating group exhibitions and projects in major North American cities. These projects demonstrate how contemporary artists, anthropologists, and institutions are engaging with ethnographic methodologies and art. The majority of the exhibitions have been mounted as ‘para-sites’ or ‘off-site installations’ to the annual meetings of the American Anthropological Association. They have facilitated and championed works that explore new media, new locations, and new methods in anthropology and cultural studies. The collective has worked with more than 150 artists and anthropologists to date, generating ongoing creative collaboration between anthropological researchers and practicing artists.


Presented by the Ethnographic Terminalia Collective (Fiona P. McDonald, Stephanie Takaragawa, Trudi Lynn Smith, Craig Campbell, and Kate Hennessy)


Chair: Fiona P. McDonald, Trudi Smith (minor roles)

Organizers: Stephanie Takaragawa, Craig Campbell (minor roles)

Participants: Kate Hennessy (major role)




Created 2018-11-16 16:21:20. Most recent update 2018-11-16 4:21:20 PM.

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