Category and Source =================== Entries can also be browsed by category or source. In this database, a “category” refers to the medium and/or genre of the clipping, and “Source” refers to the three volumes of Astley’s Cuttings from Newspapers from which the clippings were obtained. Browsing by Category -------------------- To explore by category, select “`Categories`_” from the drop-down menu under “Browse” at the top of the page. This will take you to a table that lists the four categories under “Label” on the left with a short description of each category on the right. Selecting one of the category labels will take you to a table that provides metadata about the category and category entry. In this table, “Name” is an abbreviation of the category, “Label” gives the full name of the category, and “Description” offers a brief explanation of the category. “Created” refers to the date and time of the category’s creation in the format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. “Updated” refers to the date and time of the category’s most recent update in the format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. Below the table is a list of all of the entries that belong to that category, appearing in the same format as they do in the “Clippings” list. These are organized by Image Number and can be browsed. Browsing by Source ------------------ To explore entries by sources, select “`Sources`_” from the drop-down menu under “Browse.” This will take you to a table that lists the three volumes of the collection of clippings under “Label” on the left with a short description, which consists of the British Library Call Number, of each source on the right. Selecting one of the source labels will take you to a table that provides metadata about the source and source entry. In this table, “Name” is an abbreviation of the source with no spaces, “Label” gives the full name of the source, and “Description” offers a brief explanation of the category, including the call number in the British Library. “Created” refers to the date and time of the source entry’s creation in the format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. “Updated” refers to the date and time of the source entry’s most recent update in the format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. Below the table is a list of all of the entries taken from that source, appearing in the same format as they do in the “Clippings” list. These are organized by Image Number and can be browsed. .. _Categories: .. _Sources: