Title page

A separate page for the book's title.

Manuscript Note
Beinecke Osborn c111

Yes: "Anecdota 1700. Honi soit qui mal y pense."

Beinecke Osborn c139–142

Yes, for each volume.

c.139: "A Collection of Poems. Thomas Binns Liverpool 1789 Vol II."

c.140: "A Collection of Poems. Vol. III. Thomas Binns Liverpool 1793."

c.141: "Miscellaneous Manuscripts. Vol: 3. Thomas Binns Liverpool 1797."

c.142: "Miscellaneous Manuscripts Vol. 4. Thomas Binns Liverpool 1799."

Beinecke Osborn c143

Yes, decorated.

Beinecke Osborn c147

Yes: "Poems on severall occasions" followed by a Latin motto.

Beinecke Osborn c156

Yes, in first hand.

Beinecke Osborn c179

No, but a number of internal title pages. 

Beinecke Osborn c180

Yes, "A Collection Of Hymns From Dr. Watts; Doddridge And Others. Being A Suppliment to A larger Collection; Westharptree, written in the year 1771."

Also a glued-in printed device of dove and book and IHS – glued over “Vol. 2”

Followed by a motto.

Beinecke Osborn c360 (3/3)

Yes, at the beginning of the volume. 

Beinecke Osborn c391

Not for the book as a whole or the first section, but there are title pages later on: [PDF p. 170] "William Dickinson's Poetical Common-Place Book. written by him about the year 1828" and [PDF p. 175] "Poetical Common Place Book." Both of these are in different hands, neither of which is that of the compiler of the first verse section. 

Beinecke Osborn c481

Yes, two: one at the beginning decorated with a pencil-drawing of a ship, and one at the end specifically for Odes by Thomas Gray decorated with a pencil-drawing of Strawberry Hill.

Beinecke Osborn c536

Yes, "Arabella Browne Her Booke Annoque Dom 1728" with a large decorative swirl. 

Beinecke Osborn c563

Yes: "M.S. being A choice Farrago of new Poems,—lately collected from the papers of that wonder-working Genius, S. Simpson of Coventry Weaver. — pace quo coeteri poet ce sondent[?] and Now first copied by himself at his Garret in the High Street. Cum pribilegio Apollonius. 10th July 1773."

Beinecke Osborn d256

'Poems by S. T. Coleridge, late of Jesus college Cambridge'.

May only apply to first few poems.

Beinecke Osborn d258

Yes, for sections two and three. Plain; no decorations or decorative script. Section two is titled: "The Thoughts of Three Vol 1st Employment during the time of Cards part of October and November 1808." Section three is titled: "The Thoughts of Three Vol 2nd Employment during the time of Cards November 1808."

Beinecke Osborn d49

No title page at the beginning of the manuscript but there’s a title page for “The Year of Sorrow Written in the Spring of 1803, By W. R. Spencer” on p. 69 followed by a dedication in a very large font; also a title page on p. 313 for “Verses to the memory of Garrick. Spoken as a monody, at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane,” also followed by a dedication in a large font.

Beinecke Osborn fc132

Yes, inscribed: "In diem natalem Jam. Forbes 19th May 1766—Bombay—Aet: 17."

Beinecke Osborn fc183

Yes. The title page features a red border (the only coloured ink in the manuscript). There is also a half-title page before the title page which reads, "Selected Pieces from Various Authors. November 25th, 1790.”

Beinecke Osborn fc185

Yes—"Gleanings in prose and verse, selected by Joseph Taylor, 1799. Vol. 1." 

Beinecke Osborn fc51

Yes: "The Parson’s Barn A Collection of Poems of various kinds. Transcrib’d By Julia Evelyn And Frances Boscawen 1746."

Bodleian MS Eng. poet. d. 47

Yes: "Lusus Seniles Or Trifles to kill Time in Confinement and Old Age." 

Also features a motto. 


Bodleian MS Harding b. 41

First printed item, “The Banks of the Dee,” arguably serves as title page.

Bodleian MS Mont. e. 13

Yes, for each volume.

Bodleian MS Mont. e. 14

Yes: "Poetry, Selected & Original. 1788 & 1789."

British Library Add. MS 28102

Not for the book overall, but the section beginning f. 196 is titled: "Occasional Pieces, publish’d at different Times in the Newspapers etc."

British Library Add. MS 29981

Decorative title page.

British Library Add. MS 70494

Yes: "Poems on Several Occasions."

Clark MS 1956.002

Three title pages — first for the book, "A Poetical Miscellany. In two Parts.[with motto from Virgil;] By S. Greatheed." Then, for the first part, "A Poetical Miscellany Part the First. Containing Poems on several Occasions. Mostly Written In the Year MDCCLXXII." Then on p. 43, for the second part: "A Poetical Miscellany. Part the Second. Containing Novels & Tales in Verse. With the Advantages of Adversity. A Poem Translated from the French. Written A.D.1773."

Clark MS 1976.014


Clark MS 1982.002

Title page: "Miscellany Poems : containing various kinds of Poetry collected from the most Eminent Poets With some Originals never publishd. / By Eliz. Munbee, Vol: ye 3d."

Also a motto on the titlepage: “Ransack[ing] rich Book, glean[ing] all ye good you find …" then "MDCCXLV."

Clark MS 1984.004


Clark MS 1987.001

On front cover pastedown: "Mrs. Stapleton. Pleasing Variety for Miss Mary Arnold." Back cover pastedown: "A Medley: Both Serious and Comic." - These create an enclosure for the book. 

Very ornate hand used for title page.

Clark MS 2000.005

Yes, for each volume. Each title page includes dates and place of composition: Vol. 1 1790, Doncaster; Vol. 2 1796, Houghton; Vol. 3 1805, Darfield; Vol. 4 1799, Tyers-Hill. 

Clark MS 2008.023

Volumes 1–3 (not volume 4).

Clark MS 2010.030


Clark MS 2019.032

Yes: "Miscellaneous Articles, in Poetry and Prose." 

Folger MS M.a.103


Also internal title pages for Alexander Pope poems.

Folger MS M.a.104

Yes, with the mottos: "Hic est quem legis. Mart:" and "Dectes Repetita Placebunt."

Folger MS M.a.116

Yes, covered with silk for protection.

Several unattributed mottos on title page.

Folger MS M.a.163


Folger MS M.a.53–58

Each volume has a title page like "1st: Poems Vol: 1" (or variation – e.g. Volme. 3rd.) except for Vol. 2, which has no title page.

Folger MS M.b.21

Yes, and also a final page after entries.

Houghton MS Am 1894

Yes, for each volume.

Houghton MS Am 1894.1(1)

Yes: "A poetical flame blown up by the breath of a fanatical religioso — or a prolific imagination, stumbling on various subjects, that does no honor to Christianity. / H. Catholicus."

Houghton MS Am 1919

Yes: "Miscellany Poems Anno 1731." Definite effort at decoration here with swirls beneath the title, though where the title is repeated again below this original title, the ink is very smudged.

Houghton MS Am 910

Yes: “Rebecca Story’s Book,” and “Mrs. Rebecca Story Porter.” 

Houghton MS Eng 1280

Yes, for each volume.

Houghton MS Eng 584

Yes, with an ink and wash drawing.

Also includes title pages for some individual poems. 

Houghton MS Eng 611

Yes, for each volume.

Volume 1: "Scraps of Poetry On Winter, Its Opposites, & Concomitants: And many other agreeable Fragments all Collected Chiefly from borrowed Books Begun April 7th: 1760. and finished May 20th: 1760."

Volume 2: "Little Fragments of Essays & Detach’d Pieces of Poetry, Prose Reflections, & The like performances, (being mostly originals), purposely Calculated for an Occasional Supply to the Monthly Magazine Writers."

Houghton MS Eng 680

Yes: "Poems on Various Occasion’s and By Several Hands. Bristol 1780."

Houghton MS Eng 768


"Vol. ye 1st compleated at ye age of 5 yrs & 5 mo" written on first titled page. 

Leeds Brotherton Lt 104

First page: "Poems of various kinds by the late Revd. Peter Pinnell D.D. Prebendary of Rochester, & Vicar of Eltham and Shorne in Kent. He died August 16. 1783.—Aged 63.—"

Leeds Brotherton Lt 110

Yes: "Poems, & Verses on Several Occasions. 1726."

Leeds Brotherton Lt 123

Not for the manuscript, but for the "Epigrams..." section on p. 32.

Blank page between “Epigrams” section and the next section, perhaps left for the later addition of a section title page.

Leeds Brotherton Lt 20

Yes: "The Six first Pastorals of Virgil, With Three of His Georgics; Together with some Miscellany Poems. Transcrib’d and Collected By E. Beardwell, 1724."

Princeton Taylor no. 87

Yes: "Poems and Songs upon Several Occasions./ Joshua Peart/ June 18. 1726."

UChicago Library Codex Ms. 551


UChicago Library Codex Ms. 558

Yes, not decorated: "A Collection of Religious Poems &c. by an uncertain Author. Some are borrowed from Dr. I. Watts. There is another vol, larger Quarto."

UChicago Library Codex Ms. 739

No title page for overall volume.

Simple title page for the first item