Beinecke Osborn d93

Title Untitled
Archive Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library
Call Number Beinecke Osborn d93
Complete Yes

Hester Bradley, 1807–1810, with two poems added in 1831. 

49 poems.

Occasional poems and poems about friends and family, all with a Quaker bent. 

Format Quarto
Book Size 20.9cm x 16.6cm
Filled Page Count 92 pages
Item Count 49
Poem Count 49
First Line Index No
Digitized Yes
Additional Genres
Print Sources
Major Themes

Major themes prominent among the manuscript contents in alphabetical order.

Minor Themes

Other themes of interest among the manuscript contents in alphabetical order.


Beinecke Osborn d93.” Manuscript Verse Miscellanies, 1700–1820, edited by Betty A. Schellenberg, Simon Fraser University, Accessed .

Created 2021-02-02 2:48:34 PM
Updated 2024-01-17 9:29:30 AM
Feature Note
Author attributions



Very plain binding and stitching. Appears to be composed of about 12 gatherings of 12 leaves each. First gathering only contains 6 leaves, some may be missing. 

Original Vellum



Indications of use

Given the contents, seemingly the book of a pre-teen or teenage girl.

Poems dated and organised chronologically, but seemingly compiled over a shorter period of time, presumably from 1807, when she made the inscription at the front of the book, to 1810, with two poems added at the end of the book in 1831. The second of these poems is on the death of her two children. 

Item formatting

Each item dated month and year at the bottom right corner, formatted, for example, "4th mo 1807." 

Titles mostly presented without underline or decoration. A handful of titles after p. 59 written in gothic style font surrounded by decorative curls. 

Original poetry

Seemingly all original poetry. 

Ownership mark

Inscriptions on front pastedown: "Hester Bradley 1807" and in another hand, in pencil: "Quaker poetess."

Page layout

Paginated 9–99.