Title The debauchee, or, The credulous cuckold a comedy acted at His Highness the Duke of York's Theatre
Category Book
Publication Place London
Publisher Printed for John Amery
Physical Description [6], 63, [1]
Illustrations No
Frontispiece No
Translation Description
Worldcat Url http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/45178902
Genre Plays
Transcription Yes
Physical Locations
Digital Locations EEBO - full text, searchable
Digital Url https://github.com/textcreationpartnership/A29636
Notes "Madd couple well matcht" is an additional title, and Richard Brome is listed as an "other author." "An anonymous alteration of "A madd couple well matcht." Not included in Summer's edition of Mrs. Behn's Works, 1915, though the editor thinks "it is no doubt from her pen," and that "all the best critics with one accord ascribe it to her." cf. v. 1, p.xxxvi." (EEBO). "Written by Mr. E.R." is written right after the epilogue on the last page. WorldCat also lists Sir Roger L'Estrange as an author in addition to Behn and Brome.
Bibliographic Citation
Editorial Notes
Additional Links
Complete Yes
Updated Most recent update 2017-11-01 10:49:37.