Title Young Jemmy: or, The princely shepherd Being a most pleasant and delightful new song. In blest Arcadia where each shepherd feeds, his numerous flocks, and tunes on slender reeds; his song of love, while the fair nimphs trip round, the chief amongst 'um was young Jemmy found: for he with glances could enslave each heart, but fond ambition made him to depart; the fields to court, led on by such as sought to blast his vertues, which much sorrow brought. To a pleasant new play-house tune. Or, in January last, or, The gowlin.
Category Book
Edition 1
Publication Place London
Publisher Phillip Brooksby
Physical Description 1
Illustrations Yes
Frontispiece No
Translation Description
Worldcat Url http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/63661675
Genre Poems
Transcription Yes
Physical Locations 1. Bodleian Library (Oxford), 2. Harvard University Houghton Library, British Library. (See notes)
Digital Locations EEBO - 1. Image only, not searchable. 2. Full text, searchable. (See notes)
Digital Url https://github.com/textcreationpartnership/B01555
Notes There are two versions of this work with the same publication date on EEBO. 1. has 5 woodcuts, 2. has 4 woodcuts. Both of these versions include "6 additional stanzas by another hand" (Worldcat). Additonal titles are "Princely Shepard," "In January Last," and "Gowlin." There is another edition (same publication year) entitled "A most excellent new ballad: to a most excellent new tune, called Young Jamey" which includes only the 4 stanzas written by Behn. Worldcat also has two listings of this work with the publication date "1683?," but there do not appear to be any accessible digital copies of this possible publication (print book listed at the British Library).
Bibliographic Citation
Editorial Notes
Additional Links
Complete Yes
Updated Most recent update 2017-11-01 10:49:37.