Title The city-heiress, or, Sir Timothy Treat-all a comedy: as it is acted at His Royal Highness his theatre
Category Book
Edition 1
Publication Place London
Publisher Printed for D. Brown, T. Benskin, and H. Rhodes
Physical Description [8], 61, [2]
Illustrations No
Frontispiece No
Translation Description
Dedication The Right Honourable Henry Earl of Arundel, and Lord Mowbray
Worldcat Url http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/23343600
Genre Plays
Transcription Yes
Physical Locations Yale University Library. Microforms held by other libraries.
Digital Locations EEBO - full text, searchable
Digital Url https://github.com/textcreationpartnership/A27280
Notes Prologue written by Mr. Otway, epilogue "written by a Person of Quality." "Mad world, my masters" and "Guardian" are additonal titles. "In great measure borrowed from Middleton's Mad world my masters, and from Massinger's Guardian. Cf. Summers, M., ed. Works of A. Behn, v. 2." (EEBO)
Bibliographic Citation
Editorial Notes
Additional Links
Complete Yes
Updated Most recent update 2017-11-01 10:49:37.