Title A pindarick on the happy coronation of His Most Sacred Majesty James II and his illustrious consort Queen Mary
Category Book
Publication Place London
Publisher Printed by J. Playford for Henry Playford
Physical Description [2], 20
Illustrations No
Frontispiece No
Translation Description
Worldcat Url http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/671314111
Genre Poems
Transcription Yes
Physical Locations
Digital Locations EEBO - full text, searchable
Digital Url https://github.com/textcreationpartnership/A27308
Notes There are two different versions on EEBO with the same publication date. Wing B1751 "differs from Wing B1753 only in that there is added a stanza, numbered XVIII, beginning 'Behold the Royal Hero' and that stanza no. XXVIII in B1753, beginning 'And now the Earthly God' is omitted" (EEBO). There is an advertisement at the end of the work. A searchable version is available for B1751, but not B1753.
Bibliographic Citation
Editorial Notes
Additional Links
Complete Yes
Updated Most recent update 2017-11-01 10:49:37.