286B (Vol. 2)




THIS present Tuesday, October 1, will be presented, the following Entertainments, expressly prepared for this evening: a new Comic Ballet of Action, called the SHOEMAKERS. And by desire of a Lady of distinction, the celebrated musical production, written by Mr. Upton, of There He Goes! The much-admired Broadsword Hornpipe, by Mrs. Wybrow, in the character of a British Heroine. And particularly, for this night only, a new historical Scene of Spectacle, written by Mr. Upton, pourtraying [sic] the SORROWS AND DEATH OF CLEOPATRA OVER THE BODY OF MARK ANTONY; Cleopatra, Mrs. Astley. In the course of the evening, the favourite Duet, written by Mr. Upton, of John Bull and Bonaparte. By Messrs. Decastro and Johannot. With the following new Songs, written by Mr. Upton, for this night:--Tommy! Or, O come Cuddle me, by Mr. Johannot. Jack and his Poll, by Mr. Slader. And a new Effusion, descriptive of the charms and accomplishments of Mr. Looney M’Can and his beautiful Nan, by Mr. Johannot. The whole to conclude with the Pantomime of the DIVING BELL.
