286I (Vol. 2)


AT the Royal Amphitheatre, Westminster Bridge this present Friday, October 11, for the Benefir of Mr. and the three Miss GIROUZ, unfortunate Sufferers of the late Royal Circus, will be performed a new Divertisement, called The LONDON APPRENTICE; in which Mrs. Rossey and Mrs. Astley will appear, and Miss Giroux will introduce Madame Parisot’s celebrated Shawl Dance. A Concert of Dussek’s, on the Grad Piano-forte, by Mr. Giroux. An entire new Operatic Ballet Dance, called Apollo and Terpsichore, which will conclude with a new Skipping Garland Pas de Trois, by the two Miss Giroux and Miss Carolina Giroux, a child only six years and a half old. The whole of the performance to conclude with the new Comic Pantomime of the LIVING BELL.
