287B (Vol. 2)


Mrs. ASTLEY, who at all times gives a consequence to the character she represents, appears to the most happy advantage I the new Spectacle of “The London Apprentice,” which, for fine personification of the Princess Zelima, renders it in a manner so interesting as to leave the spectator at a loss which to admire most, the Fair Persian, of the English Hero. The scene representing a Turkish Amphitheatre is truly a masterly performance, and the Combat of Henry with the Lions, the first thing of the kind ever witnessed. We are sorry to learn that the Pantomime of “Laugh and Lay Down” is to be withdrawn for the season, after to-morrow.

In our pursuits of pleasure it is often experienced, that a disappointment, from whatever cause, only stimulates the more to embrace the alluring nymph on the first fair occasion that offers. Thus exactly stands the case with the world of votaries of pleasure at Vauxhall. Hindered for some days, by a frowning sky, from attending that all-fascinating spot, the circles of fashion are now busily forming parties, on the apparent change of weather, for gracing it with their preference, and of which the present evening’s magnificent Gala promises to present a brilliant display.
