167 (Vol. 3)


First time—New Grand Spectacle, &c.


Under the Patronage of their Royal Highnesses the Prince of WALES and Duke of YORK.

THIS and following Evenings, Equestrian Exercises, by the double company, with unequalled manoeuvres on a single horse, by Mr. Smith; also the Tailor’s Disaster; Tailor, Mr. Crossman. After which, 1st time, a new Grand Spectacle, called The HONEST CRIMINAL, or False Evidence; pourtraying [sic] in 17 new scenes, a Microcosm of the Brazils; to conclude with the Fete, Illuminations, &c. given by the Governor of Rio Janeiro, on the recent arrival of the Prince Regent of Portugal. Principal characters, Messrs. Crossman, Smith, Davis, Rose; Mrs. Pearce and Mrs. Astley, her first appearance this season. Various Comic Songs by Mr. Johannot. To conclude with The MAN IN THE MOON, Harlequin, Mr. Taylor; and Columbine, Mrs. Parker. Doors opened at Half past Five, and begin at Half past Six.—Second price Half past Eight.
