179 (Vol. 3)


ROWING MATCH.—Astley’s 19th annual skuller match for a prize wherry, in honour of his Majesty’s Birth Day, was rowed for yesterday by the following six watermen:--Charles Westwood, Vauxhall; Thos. Harris, Bankside; James Cannon, Strand-lane; Robert Smith, Mill Stairs; Jennis Cooper, Horsely Down; William Atkinson, Rotherhithe. The candidates started at Westminster Bridge soon after four o’clock, rowed round a boat moored off Cumberland Gardens, from thence round the Beacon off Hungerford, and through Westminster Bridge. The match was decided in two heats, the first three boatmen of the first heat having started the second heat for the wherry. The race was between Cannon, Westwood, and Atkinson, but the latter was declared the victor, and the wherry was given to him, as usual, in Astley’s Amphitheatre. Two young men, who were standing up in a boat at Westminster-bridge, during the race, were drowned, by a barge running foul of the boat, and their bodies were not picked up.
