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In consequence of the increased demand for places, and the uncommon applause bestowed on the following Entertainments, they will be repeated a few nights longer, with the Cotillion and Country Dance, by eight Horses.

ASTLEY’s, WESTMINSTER BRIDGE.—Under the patronage of their Royal Highnesses the Prince of WALES and Duke of YORK. THIS present Evening, at half past six, the Cotillion and Country Dance by eight Horses. Extraordinary Horsemanship by Mr. Smith. The Hunted Tailor, and his eccentric Horse Tallyho. THE HONEST CRIMINAL, Principal characters, Messrs. Crossman, Rose, and Mrs. Astley. The whole to conclude with the Harlequinade of THE WITCHES ROUT. Columbine, Mrs. Parker.—Doors open at half past five, begin at half past six; half price at half past eight. A new Harlequinade will be produced on Monday next.
