12B (Vol. 2)



This took place on Monday night, and drew a remarkably full House: We cannot say muh of the Piece, yet admire ASTLEY’s industry in taking the lead of the other Theatres, who, it seems, had their deputies in Paris; and their journey back was a kind of Theatrical contest, who should arrive in London! Numbers took the road by Dover; ASTLEY having a knowledge of the country, and as the wind was South, took the road by Dieppe, which he accomplished in thirty-seven hours, between Paris and Brighton But this seems not to have been the only cause of ASTLEY;s bringing out the business so soon; he had kept up a correspondence with his son, who was busily employed in preparing such occurrences from the accounts and intelligence he received from his father; by which means the Piece made its appearance so early as Monday last. The Dresses, Music, Scenery, and Machinery were good, and the Piece, considering the first night, not badly represented; on the country, it gave us a true picture of Gallic Liberty, which, by the bye, will never arrive to that perfection, to that regularity, and to that equity, found in this country.
