Sydney Evening News - Saturday, April 6, 1895

London, April 5, 6.30 p.m. -- Oscar Wilde has published a letter to the effect that he abandoned the case against the Marquis of Queensberry to avoid calling Lord Alfred Douglas as a witness against his father.

At the instance of the Treasury a warrant has been issued for the arrest of Oscar Wilde. The police at the conclusion of the proceedings at the Old Bailey detained three essential witnesses.

7.30 p.m. -- Oscar Wilde has been arrested. It is not yet stated what charge will be preferred against him. The theatres at which pieces by Oscar Wilde are being performed have removed his name as the author from the playbills and programmes, but will continue playing the pieces for the present.

9.30 p.m. -- Detectives had been watching Wilde for two days. When arrested, and the warrant was read to him, Wilde made no reply.

Lord Alfred Douglas afterwards had an interview with Wilde in his cell at Bow-street Police Station.

Wilde will appear at the Bow-v street Police Court to-morrow.

In his letter to the press Wilde says he is willing to bear the ignominy to avoid compelling Lord A. Douglas to give evidence against his father, though Lord Alfred was eagerly willing to do so.

The Queenslander - Saturday, April 13, 1895

The criminal libel action brought by Mr. Oscar Wilde against the Marquis of Queensberry resulted, as already announced by cable, in a verdict of not guilty, Mr. Wilde's counsel having previously withdrawn from the case.

Mr. Oscar Wilde hurriedly left the court while his counsel was explaining that his literature and letters justified the plea that Mr. Wilde posed as an immoral person, and that he (counsel) therefore withdrew from the case in order to avoid the appalling evidence that would probably be submitted. This statement was received with loud cheers.

No warrant for the arrest of Mr. Wilde has been applied for, but Mr. Russell, solicitor for Lord Queensberry, has sent to the Public Prosecutor a statement regarding the witnesses and notes of the evidence taken in the case, with a view to preventing a possible miscarriage of justice.


Mr. Wilde has published a letter in which he states that he abandoned his case against the Marquis of Queensberry in order to avoid calling Lord Alfred Douglas as a witness.

A warrant has now been issued for the arrest of Mr. Oscar Wilde. The police have also detained three of the essential witnesses at the late trial.


Mr. Oscar Wilde was arrested this evening.

LONDON, April 6.

It has transpired that Lord Alfred Douglas and two men remained in conference with Mr. Wilde for several hours after the conclusion of the trial yesterday, and they had lunch together in a private room at the Holborn Viaduct Hotel. They then drove to the Bank of England, where Mr. Wilde withdrew a large sum of money. He was afterwards lost sight of until he was arrested in the evening at a hotel in Sloane-street.

Lord Alfred Douglas is reported to be much distressed at being unable to get Mr. Wilde released on bail.

It is stated that the Marquis of Queensberry sent Mr. Wilde a message after the conclusion of the trial stating that he would shoot him if he took Lord Alfred Douglas abroad.

Taylor, who figured prominently in the case, was arrested to-day. The two were brought up at the Bow-street Police Court to-day, when several witnesses proved the case up to the hilt.

Mr. Oscar Wilde's name has now been withdrawn from the playbills of the London and American theatres where his dramas, "An Ideal Husband" and "The Importance of Being Earnest," were being played.

LONDON, April 7.

The Paris newspapers publish comments on the Oscar Wilde case, and express themselves as being petrified at the disclosures that have been made.

Mr. Wilde, who was arrested on Friday evening, was brought up at the court on Saturday, and was remanded until Thursday next, bail being refused.

LONDON, April 8.

Since being remanded at Bow-street Police Court on Saturday with Oscar Wilde, the man Taylor has made some sensational statements to the police, which are likely to lead to the arrest of many more persons.

It is widely known that Taylor's lodgings ware regularly used by four of the witnesses examined in connection with the case on Saturday last, besides many other visitors.

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