Bibliographical and Match Data

Volume of news
Export all of the metadata for all the reports as
  1. Id
  2. Date
  3. Word count
  4. Document matches
  5. Paragraph matches
  6. Newspaper Title
  7. Region
  8. City
  9. Language
Matching documents
Export all of the document-level matching data as
  1. Report Id
  2. Report date
  3. Report paper
  4. Report region
  5. Report city
  6. Match Id
  7. Match date
  8. Match paper
  9. Match region
  10. Match city
  11. Match similarity
Matching paragraphs
Export all of the paragraph-level matching data as
  1. Source Id
  2. Source date
  3. Source paper
  4. Source region
  5. Source city
  6. Source language
  7. Target Id
  8. Target date
  9. Target paper
  10. Target region
  11. Target city
  12. Target language
  13. Match
Export a list of signed reports as
  1. Id
  2. Date
  3. Newspaper Title
  4. Country
  5. City
  6. Language
  7. Signature
Export a list of all reports as
  1. Id
  2. Date
  3. Newspaper Title
  4. Country
  5. City
  6. Language

Network Data - Document Level

Export a list of all documents that contain matches as
  1. ID
  2. Label
  3. Language
  4. Region
  5. City
Document Matches
Export a list of all document-level matches as
  1. Source
  2. Target
  3. Type
  4. Weight

Network Data - Newspaper Level

These two exports provide a higher-level view of the data set. They summarize the data at the newspaper level.

Export a list of all newspapers that contain matches as
  1. ID
  2. Label
  3. Language
  4. Region
  5. City
Newspaper Matches
Export a list of all newspaper-level matches as
  1. Source
  2. Target
  3. Type
  4. Weight