The Queenslander - Saturday, June 1, 1895

The trial of Oscar Wilde, who is charged with a number of offences under the Criminal Law Amendment Act, has been postponed. One of the charges has been withdrawn on the ground that there was no corroborative evidence.

LONDON, May 25.

The trial of Oscar Wilde, who was indicted on a number of charges under the Criminal Law Amendment Act, was concluded to-day. The accused was found guilty and sentenced to two years' imprisonment.

Alfred Taylor, who was charged in connection with Wilde, and had already been convicted and remanded for sentence, was also sentenced to two years' imprisonment.

The Judge occupied three hours in summing up, and the jury were absent for two hours considering their verdict. In passing sentence the Judge expressed regret that he was unable to inflict a heavier sentence than two years, which he declared was totally inadequate to the offence of which the accused had been found guilty.

The Brisbane Courier - Saturday, May 25, 1895

The trial of Oscar Wilde, who is charged with a number of offences under the Criminal Law Amendment Act, has been postponed. One of the charges has been withdrawn on the ground that there was no corroborative evidence.

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