The Star - Tuesday, May 28, 1895


The final stage in the trial of Oscar Wilde was entered upon on Saturday at the Old Bailey. The Solicitor-General (Sir F. Lock- wood), Mr. C. F. Gill, and Mr. H. Avorv appeared on behalf of the Public Prosecutor,and Sir E. Clarke, Mr. C. Mathews, and Mr. Travers Humphreys defended. The court was again crowded, and great interest was taken in the proceedings.

The Solicitor-General resumed his reply on the whole case, and at the outset referred to the circumstances under which Lord Queensberry wrote the letter which was the cause of the charges being investigated in the first instance. He proceeded to urge that Sir E. Clarke had appealed to the jury to save his client on account of his high literary position. Under the glamour of art-

Sir E. Clarke most strongly protested against this sort of appeal to the jury, which suggested that it was his desire that one man should go down and the other be saved under the false glamour of art. This was far removed from the evidence laid before the court. His Lordship said that up to the present time there had been little or no allusion to the other trial.

Sir F. Lockwood declared that his learned friend in his final appeal to the jury laid great stress upon the literary position of his client. This man must be judged equally "i h the other according to the law. The Judge remarked that he would have worthing to say on the points raised after-

The Solicitor-General next referred to Taylor as a man upon whom Wilde would have relied, had his story been true. Sir E. Clarke had made much of the fact that it was Wilde himself who produced the first of the letters to Lord A. Douglas; but that was only done to take the sting out of the cross-examination.

Sir W. Clarke stated that the Solicitor-General had no right to make such an observation.

Sir F. Lockwood retorted, and there was some laughter in the court at the repeated conflicts between the two eminent counsel, whereupon Sir F. Lockwood protested against laughter in such a case.

His Lordship said it was hard enough to have to try a case of that sort, and hold the scales fairly between the parties, without being pestered with applause, which merely expressed the feelings of senseless people who had no business in the court except the gratification of morbid curiosity. If there was any more of this kind of thing he would have the court cleared.

Sir F. Lockwood proceeded to closely analyse the charges against Wilde, and commented on the strong point made by Sir E. Clarke in his appeal to the jury, that the Crown had provided one of the principal witnesses with a suit of clothes, and that some of these men had been in the custody of the detectives. These clothes had been provided in order that the witnesses should not appear in the uniform if the Queen, and most of the others had been in the custody of the detectives and removed from place to place with great secrecy to prevent their being tampered with, and to ensure their attendance in court. He made no sort of apology for the course taken by the prosecution on this matter. He dealt at length with the evidence called on behalf of the prosecution, and asked what object could the independent witnesses have in giving their independent stories but to speak the truth in the interests of the public. In conclusion Sir F. Lockwood asked the jury to do their duty fairly. If they believed Wilde to be an innocent man they must acquit him; but if, on their consciences, they believed him to be guilty of the offences charged against him there was only one consideration - to follow closely the obligations which the oath had imposed upon them.


The Judge, in summing up, referred to the difficulties and responsibilities imposed upon everyone connected with a case such as that before the court. It dealt with matters in which, thank God, one's ordinary experience of human life served one but little; but they were surrounded with an atmosphere of natural and inevitable prejudice, which made the cool administration of justice difficult. He regretted that the charges of conspiracy were ever introduced m the indictment; they ought either never to have been introduced, or never to have been abandoned when introduced. He did not believe that Wilde had suffered one hairs breadth by the order in which the defendants had been tried in the present the Solicitor-General that Taylor had not did not think that, under the circumstances, be could have made his appearance in the witness-box; and it was also inevitable that the defendant should give evidence if he hoped to have any chance of procuring a verdict of acquittal. He could not bring himself to give simply a colourless summing up, which was of no good to anybody; but expressed the hope that in respect of any opinions which might be hinted at or conveyed, the jury would regard them not as opinions to guide them, but rather as matters to criticize, to cavil with, to find fault with, and to see whether they were justified. It was the province of the jury themselves to decide; and it had been the aim of his judicial life, so far as he could, to preserve that province sacred. It was very unfortunate that in dealing with the case he should have to refer to Lord A. Douglas. He was not present, and was no party to the proceedings.

A Juror: My Lord, he could be here.

His Lordship assented that Lord Alfred could be present, but pointed out that he could not volunteer himself into the case. Continuing, the Judge remarked that he would say nothing that he could help to blast Lord A. Douglas's career in life; but it did not relieve him from the necessity of investigating, as far as he could, his relations with Wood . He referred to the defendant's letter to Lord A. Douglas, which Wilde said was a prose poem, and declared that it was poison for a young man. It was a lamentable one, necessitating the intervention of his friends. Whatever construction might be put upon the letter, it was one which an elder friend ought not to address to a young man. He proceeded to comment on the relations between the defendant, Lord A. Douglas, and the young men called on behalf of the prosecution; and in reference to Wilde's dealings with Wood, said it was for the jury to say whether they could accept the account given by the defendant, that he believed Wood to be a blackmailer coming to levy toll upon him because he possessed certain letters, and that he was so disarmed of suspicion by his candour in reference to the letter that he felt he had done great injustice in his own mind ; and, therefore, paid him £16, not for the letters, but as a pure act of benevolence to enable him to go to America. To destroy these appeared a most grievous mistake - a mad mistake. To believe anything simply because Wood said it would be absurd,as Wood belonged to perhaps the vilest class that our great cities produce; he was at least connected with a gang of black- mailers ; and the stress of the case with regard to him seemed to depend upon the character of the original introduction. Was it stamped with charity, kindness, and good- will simply, or was it by one wicked person to another?

The Foreman of the Jury, interrupting, said that in view of the intimacy with Lord Alfred Douglas the jury would be glad to know whether a warrant for Lord Alfred Douglas's apprehension was ever issued.

The Judge: I should think not.

The Foreman: Or ever contemplated?

The Judge: I cannot tell; nor need we discuss that, because Lord Alfred Douglas may yet have to answer a charge. He was not called. There may be a thousand considerations of which we may know nothing that might prevent his appearance in the witness box. I think you should deal with the matter upon the evidence before you.

The Foreman: If we are to deduce any guilt from these letters, it applies equally to Lord Alfred Douglas as to the defendant.

The Judge: Quite so; but how does that relieve the defendant. We have got the testimony of his guilt to deal with now. I believe that to be the recipient of such letters and to continue the intimacy is as fatal to the reputation of the recipient as to the sender; but that you have really nothing to do with at present. Our present inquiry is about the man who is in the dock - whether the guilt is brought home to him? After an adjournment of half-an-hour for luncheon, the Judge, on resuming at 2.25, implored the jury to give no heed to the fact that no charge had yet been brought against Lord Alfred Douglas, and to discard that consideration from their minds, lest it might prejudice the administration of justice. His Lordship then proceeded to deal with the case of Parker, speaking of him as mixed up with a gang of blackmailers, and pointing out that to accept his unsupported testimony would be monstrous ; but for some reason or other he appeared to have been a very acceptable companion, and the intimacy was an extraordinary one. It was the association with men of that class that created the suspicion in the case; but whether it ought to go beyond suspicion or not it was for the jury to say. He next dealt with the two occurrences at the Savoy Hotel, stating that one of them was most suspicious. In concluding he assured the jury that he had done his best to point out such things as he thought ought fairly to be said on behalf of the defendant, as well as what might fairly be relied upon the other side; and he thanked the jury for their patient and impartial attention to the detail of a disagreeable and anxious case. The jury retired at 3.30.


The jury returned a verdict of "Guilty." Prisoner was sentenced to two years' hard labour. Taylor received the same.

Weekly Irish Times - Saturday, June 1, 1895

The final stage in the trial of Oscar Wilde was entered upon on Saturday at the Old Bailey, London. The Solicitor-General (Sir F. Lockwood), Mr C. F. Gill, and Mr H. Avory appeared on behalf of the Public Prosecutor; and Sir E. Clarke, Mr C Mathews, and Mr Travers Humphreys defended.

The Solicitor-General resumed his reply on the whole case.

The Judge, in summing up, referred to the difficulties and responsibilities imposed upon everyone connected with a case such as that before the court. He could not bring himself to give simply a colourless summing up, which was of no good to anybody; but expressed the hope that in respect of any persons which might be [...] at or conveyed [...] not as opinions to [...] to use whether [...] was the province of the jury themselves to decide, and it had been the aim of his judicial life, so far as he could, to preserve that province sacred. In concluding, he assured the jury that he had done his best to point out such things as he thought ought fairly to be said on behalf of the defendant, as well as what might be fairly relied upon on the other side; and he thanked the jury for their patient and impartial attention to the details of a disagreeable and anxious case.

The jury retired at 3.30.

At 5.25 the jury, who had previously sent a communication to the judge, returned into court. The foreman said they wished to hear the evidence of the waiter at 10 St. James’s street read over. The judge complied, and said there was not evidence that Parker slept at that house.

The jury then again retired, but after an absence of a few minutes returned with a verdict of "Guilty" upon all the counts in the indictment.

Taylor was then placed in the dock beside Wilde.

Sir Edward Clarke appealed for the postponement of sentence until next sessions on the ground that a demurrer that the indictment was bad had not been argued.

His lordship said the passing of sentence would not interfere with the argument, and he thought it right to complete the case at once. Addressing the defendants, he said that the jury had arrived at a correct verdict, and he could not entertain a shadow of a doubt. He hoped those who sometimes imagined that a judge was half-hearted in the cause of morality, because he took care that prejudice was not allowed to enter into the case, would see that that was consistent with a stern sense of indignation at the crime which had been brought home to both of them. In such circumstances he should pass the severest sentence which the law allowed him, and which was totally inadequate to such a case as this. Wilde and Taylor would each be imprisoned and kept to hard labour for two years.

Taylor, on hearing the sentence, hurried from the dock, but Wilde, who seemed quite dazed, stood with fixed gaze and trembling hands, and looking as if about to faint. Two warders were quickly at his side, but Wilde held up his hands as if to keep them off, and addressed the court in a few unintelligible words. He was then hurried below.

On Saturday evening, immediately following the passing of the sentence, the prisoners were removed to the cells in Newgate Prison adjoining the Central Criminal Court pending the preparations of the legal warrants authorising their detention for two years. Both were suffering from nervousness, and betrayed their mental anxiety. From the first they were seperated, but travelled in the same prison van to Pentonville Prison, where they will serve the preliminary portion of the sentence, a period to be eventually decided by the officials of the gaol. When handed over to the Governor of Pentonville the prisoners were taken separately to the reception ward.

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