The Times - Thursday, May 23, 1895

(Before MR. JUSTICE WILLS.)OSCAR WlLDE, 40, author, surrendered to his bail and was indicted for unlawfully committing acts of gross indecency with Charles Parker, Alfred Wood, Edward Shelley, and with certain persons whose names were unknown.

The Solicitor-General (Sir F. Lockwood, Q.O.), Mr.C. F . Gill, and Mr. Horace Avory appeared for the prosecution on the part of the Director of Public Prosecutions; Sir. Edward Clarke, Q.C., Mr. Charles Mathews, and Mr. Travers Humphreys defended.

Tho SOLICITOR-GENERAL, in opening the case, said the charge was under the Criminal Law Amendment Act. The indictment comprised charges ranging from February 20, 1892, up to October 23, 1893, and he thought it more convenient that he should deal with the charges in their chronological order. The defendant was a man of literary attainments, and was the author of various dramatic works of power and intellect. The Solicitor-General proceeded to refer to the charges in their chronological order, and indicated what the evidence would be which would be adduced on the part of the prosecution.

Edward Shelley was then called and examined by Mr. C.F. Gill.

In cross-examination by Sir Edward Clarke, the witness said he was very fond of literature and had a great admiration for Wilde's works. In October, 1892, he wrote to Wilde saying he was suffering from nervousness, the result of insomnia. On April 25, 1894, he wrote a letter to Wilde in which he asked him to help him, as he had lost his health and strength and wanted to go away for rest somewhere--he thought in Cornwall; he asked Wilde to lend him £10 until Christmas, saying that he would be able to repay him by that time. He added that people laughed at him and thought him strange. At the time he wrote that letter he was ill, having overworked himself by studying at night after his work in the day time was over. It was the fact that people laughed at him at the time and thought him strange in his behaviour. Wilde did not lend him £10, but he afterwards gave witness 10s. at a restaurant. On June 15, 1894, witness wrote asking Wilde to use his influence on his behalf to get him employment. In 1894 witness was ill mentally, but there was nothing the matter with him now.

Evidence was given by Alfred Wood.

In cross-examination by SIR EDWARD CLARKE, Wood said a sum of £175 was given to him by a man named Allen. Allen had a sum of £400 or £500 given him by a gentleman, and Allen gave witness £175 of it. Witness had done nothing to deserve that money. Being asked why the sum of £400 or £500 was paid to Allen, the witness replied that he did not know. Being further questioned as to how Alien came to get the £400 or £500, the witness replied that Allen might have blackmailed the man, but witness did not know that Allen did do so. Allen gave Charles Parker £30.

Charles Parker gave evidence, and he was also cross-examined in considerable detail by SIR EDWARD CLARKE.

The hearing of the case was then adjourned until to-morrow, Wilde being admitted on the same bail.

MR. JUSTICE WILLS advised the jury not to allow any one to speak to them about the case.

The Morning Post - Friday, May 24, 1895

At the Central Criminal Court yesterday, before Mr. Justice Wills, the trial was resumed of Oscar Wilde, 40, author, on an indictment charging him with certain misdemeanours.

The Solicitor-General (Sir Frank Lockwood, Q.C.), Mr. C. F. Gill, and Mr. Horace Avory prosecuted on behalf of the Treasury; Sir Edward Clarke and Mr. Charles Mathews defended.

In continuation of the case for the Crown, William Parker gave evidence relative to his association with Wilde. Several witnesses were called, employed at the Savoy Hotel, to speak to alleged incidents which occurred with persons unknown in March, 1893: and a considerable portion of the rest of the time of the Court was engaged in the reading of the transcript of the shorthand note taken of the evidence of Wilde at the trial of the Marquis of Queensberry for alleged libel. The evidence of the arrest of Wilde at the Cadogan Hotel after the trial of the Marquis of Queensberry was given by Detective-inspector Richards and Detective-sergeant Brockwell, of Scotland- yard, and the case for the prosecution closed.

Sir Edward Clarke submitted that there was no evidence to go to the Jury on the count relative to the alleged incidents at the Savoy Hotel.

His Lordship admitted that the question was very near the line, and said that, should occasion arise, he would feel justified in reserving the point for the consideration of the Court of Appeal. He felt, however, that it was a matter the responsibility of determining which ought to rest with the Jury.

Sir Edward Clarke submitted next that there was no evidence as required by law to corroborate Shelley, and that, therefore, the count affecting him ought to be withdrawn from the Jury, it being the long-established practice of the Courts in criminal cases to decline to invite juries to act on the uncorroborated evidence of an accomplice.

His Lordship expressed an opinion that the necessary corroboration required within the meaning of the wording of the rules laid down by the Judges, and in accordance with the general practice of Criminal Courts respecting accomplices, was not present in regard to Shelley, the count in respect of whom he should withdraw from the consideration of the Jury.

Sir Edward Clarke moved next to get the count affecting Wood withdrawn on similar grounds.

The Solicitor-General protested against any decision being given other than by the Jury on these issues, the matters being, in his opinion, purely questions for them to determine.

After some discussion, his Lordship ruled that the case of Wood should go to the Jury.

At this stage the trial was adjourned until to-day, when the defence will be opened. Wilde was released on bail.

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