Daily Times - Tuesday, April 30, 1895

London, April 30. In the Wilde and Taylor trial to-day the charges of conspiracy were withdrawn by the prosecution. Counsel for Wilde asked for a verdict of not guilty on those counts. The court refused the request. Counsel for Wilde then began his opening address. He said Wilde would take the stand and make an unqualified denial of the charges against him. He had advised Wilde to accept the verdict against himself in the Queensberry trial because it was clear that the jury would not convict Queensberry. Wilde was called to the witness stand. He swore that the evidence given at the Queensherry trial waa absolutely true, and repeated it on cross-examination. Wilde said he had nothing to do with publishing Lord Douglas' poems nor his articles in the Chameleon (magazine). Asked to define Lord Douglas' expression "I am the love that dare not apeak its name," Wilde said he thought it meant spiritual love, as pure as it was perfect. Wilde proceeded to enlarge on the subject and became so eloquent as to evoke applause, causing the judge to threaten to clear the court. Taylor, the co-defendant, next took the stand and told his career. He absolutely denied the charges against him.

The United Press learns that the statement that Mrs. Wilde had begun proceedings for a divorce is premature if not entirely groundless.

Manitoba Morning Free Press - Wednesday, May 1, 1895

London, April 30 — In the trial of Wilde and Taylor today the charges of conspiracy were withdrawn by the prosecution and counsel for Wilde asked for a verdict of "Not guilty" on those counts. The court refused this and counsel for Wilde then began his opening address. He said Wilde would take the stand and make an unqualified denial of the charges against him. He had advised Wilde to accept a verdict against himself in the Queensberry trial because it was clear the jury would not convict Queensberry.

Wilde was then called to the witness stand and swore that his evidence given at the Queensberry trial was absolutely true and he repeated it on cross-examination.

Wilde said he had nothing to do with publishing Lord Douglas’s poems nor his articles in the Chameleon Magazine. Asked to defined Lord Douglas’s expression, "I am the love that dare not speak its name," Wilde said he thought it meant spiritual love, as pure as it was perfect. Wilde proceeded to enlarge upon the subject, and became so eloquent as to evoke applause, causing the judge to threaten to clear the court.

Taylor, co-defendant, next took the stand, and told of his career. He absolutely denied the charges against him.

The evidence for the defence in the Wilde case was finished this afternoon, when Sir Edward Clarke addressed the jury in behalf of Wilde. The only direct evidence against Wilde, he declared, was the testimony of three blackmailers. Then he asked who would believe them? He spoke in this strain at considerable length and finished his address with a peroration remarkable for its display of passion and eloquence, and the extraordinary effects of the orator to secure the acquittal of his client.

Mr. Gill, for the prosecution, contented that the witnesses against Wilde had no object in swearing falsely. The judge will charge the jury for tomorrow.

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