Manitoba Morning Free Press - Friday, May 24, 1895

London, May 23 — The old Bailey was again crowded today when the trial of Oscar Wilde was resumed. Wilde entered the court room looking as haggard as usual and stood for some time at the foot of the jury box, Headlam, the clergyman who is one of his bondsmen and how is standing him in his trouble. They were joined later on by Lord Douglas of Hawick, whose eye was still discolored as a result of his encounter with his father, the Marquis of Queensberry, in Piccadilly, on Tuesday afternoon, for which both were bound over yesterday in £500 bail to keep the peace. The marquis of Queensberry was also in court, looking jaunty and confident. He watched Wilde closely and paid great attention to the evidence. Wilde, it was noticed, carefully avoided returning the gaze of the marquis. Wilde, Lord Douglas of Hawick and Rev. Stewart Headlam remained in earnest conversation until the judge took his seat, and then they carefully listened to all the testimony furnished evidently weighing every word uttered as studiously as counsel on both sides. The earnest conversation of the trio was an incident which attached much attention and was considerably commented upon. When the case re-opened the evidence furnished at the previous trial was repeated in detail, no new points of any importance being made.

The North American - Friday, May 24, 1895

London, May 23 — The Old Bailey Court was again crowded today when the trial of Oscar Wilde was resumed. Wilde entered the court-room looking haggard, and stood for some time at the foot of the jury box, conversing with Rev. Stewart Headlam, one of his bondsmen. They were joined later on by Lord Douglas of Hawick, whose eye is still discolored as a result of this encounter with his father, the Marquis of Queensberry, in Piccadilly, on Tuesday afternoon, for which they were both bound over yesterday in £500 bail to keep the peace. The Marquis of Queensberry was also in court, looking jaunty and confident. He watched Wilde closely and paid great attention the evidence. Wilde, it was noticed, carefully avoided the gaze of the Marquis.

Wilde, Lord Douglas of Hawick and Rev. Stewart Headlam remained in earnest conversation until the Judge took his seat. They listened attentively to all the testimony furnished, evidently weighing every word uttered as studiously as counsel on both sides. The earnest conversation of the trio was an incident which attracted much attention, and was considerably commented upon. When the case was reopened, the evidence furnished at the previous trial was repeated in detail, no new points of any importance being made. The trial was then adjourned till tomorrow.

The Judge ordered the withdrawal of the count against the defendant concerning Wilde’s connection with the witness Shelly, as the latter’s statements were uncorroborated.

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