The Toronto World - Thursday, April 4, 1895

London, April 3.—At the Central Criminal Court trial of the action of Oscar Wilde against the Marquis of Queensberry for libel was begun.

The Marquis of Queensberry entered the dock, and pleaded not guilty, adding that the so-called libel was true, and had been made known in the interest of public morality.

Sir Edward Clarke reviewed the evidence taken in the Police Court, dwelling upon the writing on the card, which constituted the libel complained of. This writing alleged that Mr. Wilde had been posing immorally. The case was not concluded.

The Boston Daily Advertiser - Thursday, April 4, 1895

London. Apr. 3. -- The central criminal court, Old Bailey, was densely packed with people long before the hoiur of opening-10:30 A.M.-today, the attraction being the trial of the action of Oscar Wilde against the Marquis of Queensberry for libel. The prosecution was conducted by Sir Edward Clarke, and the Marquis of Queensberry was defended by Mr. Edward H. Carson. Lawyer Besley watched the proceedings on behalf of Lord Douglas of Hawick.

The Marquis of Queensberry pleaded not guilty, adding that the so-called libel was true and had been made known in the interest of public morality.

Sir Edward Clarke, in opening the case, reviewed the evidence taken in the police court, dwelling upon the writing on the card which constituted the libel complained of.

The Marquis of Queensberry, Sir Edward said, had also accused Mr. Wilde of having solicited a number of gentlemen to engage with him in a series of grave offences. of these gentlemen would be called to deny whatever the marquis might say on cross examination.

Sir Edward, continuing, said that Mr. Wilde had been a close friend of the Queensberry family until 1890, when he learned that offensive statements were being made against him by a man named Wood, who had either stolen or found some letters written by M.r. Wilde to Lord Albert Douglas.

Wood offered to return these letters for money, and afterwards, at Wood's earnest entreaty, Mr. Wilde paid his fare to America.

Later Mr. Wilde learned that two men named Knebley and Allen pretended to have in their possession compromising letters, but Mr. Wilde refused to purchase them. Mr. Wilde, he said, admitted having written in 1893 a most extravagant letter to Lord Albert Douglas in answer to a poem the latter had written.

The annoyance was aggravated by the behavior of the marquis on the first night of the production of any of Mr. Wilde's plays. The letter which Mr. Wilde had written to Lord Alfred Douglas was read:-

"My dear boy: Your sonnet is quite lovely. Your roseleaf lips seem made no less for the music of song than for the madness of kisses. Your slim, gilt soul walks betweens poetry and passion. I know that Hyacinthus, who was loved by Apollo, was you in the Greek days. Why are you alone in London and when do you go to. Salisbury? Do you sleep fih the gray twilight of the Gothic things? Come here whenever you like, but go to Salisbury first."

Mr. Wilde was then called to the stand and detailed his relations with the family of the Marquis.

Mr. Wilde testified that Wood produced three letters, which were of no importance.

Afterwards, in response to a strong appeal from Wood, he gave him £15 with which to go to America. Later Allen brought to him a copy of one of these letters, which had been sent to Mr. Beerbohm Tree. Allen demanded £60 for the letter. Mr. Wilde refused to pay the money, saying he had never received as much as £60 for his own short prose writings. He told Allen he had better sell the letter to somebody else. Subsequently he gave Allen a half sovereign for himself. Mr. Tree had handed him (Wilde) what purported to be a copy of a letter written by Mr. Wilde.

Mr. Wilde, continuing his testimony on cross-examination, said the man Allen, when endeavoring to obtain money for the copy of the letter in his possession, had remarked that it might bear a curious meaning. To this Mr. Wilde testified that he replied: "Art is rarely intelligible to the criminal classes."

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