The Winnipeg Daily Tribune - Friday, April 5, 1895

London, April 5 — The suit of Oscar Wilde against the Marquis of Queensberry came to a sudden and unexpected termination today.

Sir Edward Clark, leading council for the plaintiff, asked for permission on behalf of his client, to withdraw the suit and submit to a verdict of not guilty in regard to the words, "posing as a —, " written by the Marquis of Queensberry on a card left by the Marquis at the Albemarle club for Wilde on February 18, and which card formed the outward basis of the suit.

The jury, under instructions from Justice Collins, returned verdict of not guilty, coupled with a statement that the justification set up as the defense by the Marquis of Queensberry was true in substance and in fact, and that the statement complained of was published for the public good. The verdict was received with loud applause which was not checked by the presiding justice, and the marquis was discharged from custody, and surrounded by his friends. Shortly afterwards it was announced that a warrant for the arrest of Oscar Wilde was to be applied for, all the papers in the case having been submitted to the public prosecutor.

The World - Friday, April 5, 1895

LONDON, April 5. -- The suit of Oscar Wilde against the Marquis of Queensbury came to a sudden and unexpected termination this morning, shortly after the third day's proceedings were commenced in the Old Bailey, before Justice Collins.

Sir Edward Clark, formerly Solicitor-General, leading counsel for Oscar Wilde asked permission on behalf of his client to withdraw the suit and submit to a verdict announcing the Marquis not guilty in regard to the words "posing as a --," written by the Marquis of Queensberry on a card which was left for Wilde by the Marquis at the Albemarle Club on Feb. 18, and which was handed to the latter by a porter, Sidney Wright, on Feb. 28, and which formed the outward basis of the suit.

The jury, under instructions from Justice Collins, returned a verdict of not guilty, coupled with the statement that the justification set up as a defense by the Marquis of Queensberry was true in substance and in fact, and that the statement complained of was published for the public good.

Later in the day application was made at the Bow Street Police Court, before Sir John Bridge, for a warrant for the arrest of Oscar Wilde, which was granted.

Wilde spent several hours in company with Lord Alfred Douglas at a hotel in Holborn. Early in the afternoon Lord Alfred drove to a bank, cashed a check and returned. Soon afterwards, both Wllde and Lord Alfred drove away.

He was followed by two detectives and arrested at the Cadogan Hotel, Sloan street, whence he was taken in a cab to Scotland Yard.

Wilde wore an ulster and silk hat. He was very pale, but cool when he at arrived at Scotland Yard. At 8.10 P.M. he was arraigned at the Bow Street Police Court.

Before 10 o'clock this morning every available foot of space in the courtroom was filled with spectators, who were armed with newspapers and packages of sandwiches, and who were otherwise ready to spend the day in court in the most comfortable manner possible.

It was noticed, however, that Oscar Wilde was absent.

In resuming his argument this morning, Mr. Carson said that he hoped he had demonstrated that the Marquis was justified in bringing to a climax in the way he did the connection between his son, Lord Alfred Douglas, and Wilde.

Continuing, counsel said that he now approached a more painful duty. It would be his task to call the several young men who would tell their own tales, and who would show that the man Taylor, frequently referred to during the proceedings, was Wilde's procurer.

It was no wonder that the Marquis of Queensberry protested against the intimacy between his son and Wilde. The wonder is, counsel said, that this man has been so long tolerated in London society.

Mr Carson was continuing his terrible denunciation of Oscar Wilde when Sir Edward Clarke and others of Wilde's counsel left the court room for consultation. They soon returned, and Sir Edward asked for permission to interrupt the proceedings.

Then, amid a most impressive silence, the leading counsel for the plaintiff began to announce the withdrawal of the case on behalf of his client. The chief concern of Sit Edward Clarke, who is a prominent Conservative, and who was Solicitor-General under Lord Salisbury's last administration, from 1886, when he was knighted, to August, 1892, seemed to be his desire to justify himself in undertaking the case for Wilde.

He said that after consulting with his client, who, by the way, was in the room to which his counsel adjourned, and who left the building hurriedly when Sir Edward Clarke began his statement, he asked to withdraw the suit and on Wilde's behalf to submit a verdict of not guilty in regard to the words "Posing as a ---," which the Marquis of Queensberry had written on the card, which formed the basis of the suit.

Mr. Carson here interposed, saying that if there was to be a verdict of not guilty, it also involve a verdict of justification, as the case of his client must succeed upon that plea.

Justice Collins said, as to the Jury putting any limit on heir verdict, that the charge, "Posing as a ---," was either justified or not justified, and that if the jury consented to the course suggested they were to return a verdict of not guilty, and were also to find that the, justification set up by the defense was true in substance and in fact, and that the words complained of were published for the public benefit.

At the close of tho proceedings it became known that it was momentarily expected that a warrant for the arrest of Oscar Wilde would be issued. Counsel for the Marquis of Queensberry have written to the Public Prosecutor, inclosing copies of the statements made by all the witnesses for the defense, and also inclosing the shorthand notes taken at the trial, in order that there may be no miscarriage of justice.

Oscar Wilde has written a letter to the newspapers, in which he says:

"It was impossible to prove my case without putting Lord Alfred Douglas in the witness-box against his father. Lord Alfred was extremely anxious to go into the box, but I would not allow it. Rather than put him in such a painful position I determined to retire from the case and bear upon my own shoulders whatever shame and ignominy might result from not prosecuting the Marquis of Queensberry."

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