The Winnipeg Daily Tribune - Friday, April 5, 1895

Baltimore, April 5 — Mr. Hert. Beerbohm Tree, the eminent English actor, who is filling an engagement in this city, and whose name has been mentioned in the testimony in the Oscar Wilde libel case, was gratified to know that Justice Rollins who is trying the case, would not allow the counsel to even mention Mr. Tree’s name in connection with the scandal. The justice is quoted as saying that "Everyone understands that Mr. Tree’s connection with the case is in every way honorable and praiseworthy." Mr. Tree said he had sent a cablegram to Sir Edward Carson, asking that his connection with the case be fully explained. He gave to the press a copy of the message. It runs as follows: "Carson, Q.C., Central Criminal Court, London: I see my name mentioned in Wilde case. I am not in possession of evidence, but facts are these: During rehearsals of ‘Woman of No Importance,' I received an anonymous letter, which I considered my duty to at once send to Mr. Wilde." (Signed) Tree.

"The Woman of No Importance " is the play written by Oscar Wilde and first produced by Mr. Tree at the Haymarket theatre, London. The letter which Mr. Tree received he handed to Mr. Wilde while the latter was on the stage of the theatre watching the rehearsal of the play.

The Sun - Friday, April 5, 1895

LONDON, April 4. - The trial of the action of Oscar Wilde against the Marquis of Queensberry for libel was resumed today in the Central Criminal Court, Old Bailey, with the complainant again in the witness box, Mr. Carson cross-examining.

Mr. Wilde, in answer to a question by Mr. Carson, said he had been introduced to the man Wood by a man named Taylor. He had frequently visited Taylor's house to attend afternoon tea parties. Taylor, he said, had a habit of burning perfumes in the room, but candles or gas were not lighted. Upon every occasion of his visiting Taylor's house he had met a youth named Mavori, who had since disappeared. Mr. Wilde said he was aware that Taylor had been arrested, but he did not know that Taylor had made himself notorious by his practice of introducing young men to older ones. Taylor, he admitted, however, had introduced him to five young men. None of these young men had any trade, profession, or employment, as far as he knew. He had made them presents of money for the reason that they were poor.

Mr. Wilde was questioned in regard to his acquaintanceship with two brothers names Parker. He replied that he knew them and had dined with them. He was not aware that one of them was a valet and the other a groom, both of them out of employment. He had given one of them money on the occasion of his taking tea with him (Wilde) in the latter's private rooms in St. James's street. When Taylor and one of the Parkers were arrested they were in women's clothes. They were charged with felonious practices.

Q. - When you read of Taylor's arrest did it make any difference in your friendship for him? A. - I was greatly distressed and wrote to him. His arrest did not affect my friendship.

Mr. Wilde admitted his acquaintanceship with a man named Atkins, who was employed by a bookmaker. He first met Atkins at the rooms of a gentleman whose name he declined to give, but which he handed up to the Judge. Wilde said he called Atkins by his Christian name. Atkins went to Paris with him, and they stopped together there. Wilde paid the fares, but he declared that it would be an infamous lie to say that they were guilty of misconduct. He had given Atkins £3 upon one occasion and £15 on another. Besides he had given him presents of various articles. A youth named Maber had stopped with him in a hotel in London. Wilde said he was a nice, charming young fellow. He gave Maber a cigarette case worth £4. He knew also a youth named Grainger, who was a servant to Lord Alfred Douglas, son of the Marquis of Queensberry.

Sir Edward Clarke then questioned the witness in redirect examination. He began by reading a number of letters written by the Marquis of Queensberry to his son, Lord Alfred Douglas, in which the Marquis condemned his son for his conduct with Wilde. He also read a letter written by the Marquis revilling Lord Roseberry, Mr. Gladstone, and the Queen because of the appointment of his son to the peerage of Drumlanrig. In one of the letters the Marquis declared that Lord Alfred Douglas was not his son.

Mr. Wilde said he disliked the old and sensible, while the company of the young, happy, careless, and original had a wonderful charm. The mere fact of their youth was amazing.

At the conclusion of Mr. Wilde's redirect examination the case for the prosecution was closed.

Mr. Carson, in opening the case for the defence, declared that all that the Marquis of Queensberry had done and said he stood by, withdrawing nothing. His sole object in all the steps he had taken was to save his son from the influence of Wilde.

BALTIMORE, April 4. - Mr. Beerbohm Tree, the English actor whose name has been mentioned in the testimony in the Oscar Wilde libel case, was gratified to know that Justice Collins, who is trying the case, would not allow the counsel to even mention Mr. Tree's name in connection with the affair. Mr. Tree said he had sent a cablegram to Mr. Carson asking that his connection with the case be fully explained. He gave to the United Press this copy of the message:

"I see my name mentioned in the Wilde case. The facts are these: During the rehearsals of 'A Woman of No Importance' I received anonymous letters which I considered it my duty to at once hand to Mr. Wilde."

"A Woman of No Importance" is the play written by Oscar Wilde, and first produced by Mr. Tree at the Haymarket Theatre, London. The letter which Mr. Tree received he handed to Mr. Wilde while the latter was on the stage of the theatre watching the rehearsal of the play.

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