Irish Daily Independent - Wednesday, May 22, 1895

London, Tuesday Evening.

At the Old Bailey this afternoon, Alfred Taylor was found guilty of committing acts of gross indecency with Charles and William Parker. Sentence was postponed, and it was arranged that the trial of Oscar Wilde, who is charged jointly in the indictment, should be taken tomorrow morning. The Marquis of Queensberry was in attendance during the day, and remained in court until the finish of the case. There are two counts in the indictment against Wilde, the first charging him with acts of gross indecency with Edward Shelley, Alfred Wood, and Charles Parker, and the second with committing similar acts with a person unknown.

The Press Association says shortly after the termination of the trial of Taylor, an exciting fracas occurred in Piccadilly Circus, the principal persons concerned being the Marquis of Queensberry and one of his sons, reported to be Lord Douglas, but upon this point the police decline to give any information at present. The nature of the offence alleged against the father and son has not yet transpired, but they were both escorted by the police to Vine street Police Station, where, after the charge had been preferred against them, they were liberated on bail.

London, Tuesday Night. The Press Association says the fashionable afternoon promenade in Piccadilly was fairly well filled with a select crowd of pedestrians when the fracas between the Marquis of Queensberry and his son Lord Alfred Douglas disturbed the peace of the thoroughfare. The affray appears to have been short and determined, and but for police intervention might have had more serious results. Considerable violence must have been used by both father and son. The Marquis appears to have met his son accidentally in Piccadilly, near Bond street. What passed between them in language will possibly be made known at Marlborough street Police Court tomorrow morning, but so far as action is concerned they were both seen in violent conflict when a police constable came upon the scene and separated the combatants.

A considerable crowd of well-dressed persons has surrounded the principals of this exceptional episode in a fashionable highway when the police officers escorted the Marquis and his son, Lord Alfred, to Vine street Police Station, which is a short distance distance from the scene of the disorder. The crowed followed, and awaited events outside the station. There gentlemen friends of the accused were permitted to accompany their Lordships into the station, where the proceedings being that of disorderly conduct preferred by the police.

In less than half an hour the accused had been released on bail guaranteed by their friends present, and they were set at liberty. On leaving the station Lord Alfred, who, it was noticed, had suffered a discoloration of one eye, proceeded through the passage at the back of St James’s Hall to Regent street, whence an available hansom cab speedily separated him from an inquisitive but undemonstrative crowd. His father, the Marquis of Queensberry, appeared to have suffered no facial disfigurement, but his silk hat showed signs of rather rough usage. As he left the main entrance of Vine street Police Station, he walked through the crowd into Swallow street, a byway directly connecting Regent street and Piccadilly. As he walked into Swallow street and Piccadilly the crowd for the first time became very demonstrative, clapped their hands, and cheered his Lordship, who took a conveyance from the scene, and the crowd dispersed.

The Standard - Wednesday, May 22, 1895

Considerable excitement was caused yesterday afternoon in Piccadilly by an extraordinary scene, which ended in a personal encounter between tbe Marquess of Queen sberry and his son Lord Alfred Douglas. It appears that the Marquess, who was walking up Piccadilly, met his son coming out of a confectioner's at the corner of Old Bond-street and Piccadilly. The latter at once placed himself in his father's way, and exclaimed, "You have threatened me ; now carry out your threat. You are a liar and a slanderer." The Marquess of Oueensberry at once retaliated, using, it is said, very strong language. A large crowd assembled, and listened to the heated language. Raising his voice to a loud pitch, the Marquess, turning to the people around him, exclaimed, "I tell all these strangers that you have been a bad son from your birth, and that I now publicly disown you." Lord Alfred Douglas's reply was lost in a loud cheer which was immediately raised by the crowd, which had now grown to such proportions as to stop all the traffic. The Marquess continued for some minutes to address the crowd, gesticulating violently, and pointing scornfully at his son, until the latter made some remark that so enraged his father that he struck him a violent blow in the face. Lord Alfred Douglas immediately struck back, and a furious struggle at once ensued between tho two. On the arrival of the police it was with the greatest difficulty that they were separated. They were followed to Vine-street Police-station by a large crowd, cheering and hooting. At the station both the Marquess of Queensberry and Lord Alfred Douglas were desirous of charging each other with assault. The Inspector on duty declined to enter any charge but that of disorderly conduct preferred against both by the police. They were subsequently released on bail, and will come up at the Marlborough-street Police-court this morning.

Accordiug to a News Agency, the Marquess preferred no charge against his son, neither did the son make any charge against his parent, the prosecution being that of disorderly conduct preferred by the police. On leaving the station Lord Alfred, who, it was noticed, had suffered the discoloration of one eye, proceeded through the court at the back ot St. James's Hall into Regent-street, where a Hansom cab speedily separated him from an inquisitive crowd. His father, the Marquess of Queensberry, appeared to have suffered no facial disfigurement, but his silk hat showed signs of rather rough usage. As he left the main entrance of Vine-street Police-station he walked through the crowd into Swallow-street, a bye-way directly connecting Regent-street with Piccadilly. As he walked from Vine-street into Swallow-street the crowd clapped their hands and cheered the Marquess, who, proceeding into Piccadilly, immediately took a cab and drove away.

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