Los Angeles Herald - Thursday, May 23, 1895

LONDON, May 22. - The second trial of Oscar Wilde was begun in the Old Bailey court today before Justice Wills. There was a dense crowd of interested spectators. Wilde looked worried and careworn. Director General Sir Frank Lockwood, in opening for the treasury, said the indictment covered the most gross indecencies, extending from February to October 1, 1894. He then recited the charges against Wilde in connection with Edward Shelly, Alfred Wood and others.

The Marquis of Queensberry was present. During the morning Wilde was taken ill and left the court.

The Winnipeg Daily Tribune - Wednesday, May 22, 1895

London, May 22 — The second trial of Oscar Wilde has begun at the Old Bailey court before Justice Wills, before a crowd of interest spectators. Wilde was restless and looked careworn. The Solicitor—General, Sir Frank Lockwood, in opening the case, said the indictment covered acts of gross indecency during a period from February to October, 1893, and recited the charges against Wilde in connection with Edward Shelly, Alfred Wood and others.

London, May 22 — As a result of a dispute with reference to the Wilde case and the action of Lord Douglas’ father, the Marquis of Queensberry, chastised his son, giving him a black eye, and the police arrested both. Neither the father nor the son preferred a charge against the other, so they were merely charged with disorderly conduct. Lord Douglas banged his father’s head with an umbrella during the fight, and loudly asked whether the Marquis of Queensberry intended to cease writing objectionable letters to Lord Douglas’ wife. The police arriving on the scene, Lord Douglas excitedly repeated this accusation of persecution, which he said had occurred since he had gone on the bail bond of Oscar Wilde. The Marquis of Queensberry retorted: "That’s my son. I’ll fight him anywhere in the three kingdoms for £10,000." It is rumored that Lord Alfred Douglas has gone abroad.

At the Marlborough street police court this morning the Marquis of Queensberry and his son, Lord Douglas, were bound over each in £500 to keep the peace.

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