The Boston Globe - Friday, April 26, 1895

LONDON, April 26 - The trial of Oscar Wilde and Alfred Taylor was begun in the central criminal court, Old Bailey, today.

Charles Parker and the other witnesses who testified at the preliminary hearings were called to the stand and repeated the stories they had previously told.

Wilde looked careworn and anxious and was much thinner than usual.

The fact that he had had his hair cut short added to his attenuated appearance. Taylor maintained his air of unconcern.

Both prisoners pleaded not guilty.

The opening speech of the counsel for the prosecution was a repetition of his previous arguments.

The evidence given by the young man Parker was vastly more disgusting than the testimony he gave at the hearings in the Bow st police court.

Upon cross examination he swore that Wood and Allen had received $2000 blackmail from a gentleman with whom they were guilty of misconduct in the gentleman's lodgings, and that he himself had received $150 from the same person for the same reason.

Dublin Daily Express - Monday, April 29, 1895

London, Saturday.The trial of Oscar Wilde and Alfred Taylor was resumed at the Central Criminal Court to-day before Mr Justice Charles.

Sir Edward Clarke cross-examined Alfred Wood, who was in the witness box at the adjournment yesterday. Wood said he induced Wilde to give him money with which to go to America on the pretext that he wished to sever himself from certain acquaintances. Notwithstanding this he returned to England. The letters mentioned in the Queensberry case were found in clothes given him by Lord Alfred Douglas at Oxford. Frederick Atkins, who accompanied Wilde to Paris, was the next called for the prosecution. He said that on their return to London Wilde asked him to say nothing about the visit. Atkins was subjected to a long and searching cross-examination. He gave an emphatic denial to the suggestion that with others he had blackmailed several gentlemen.

Sidney Mavor, who described himself as holding a partnership in the city, detailed the circumstances of his acquaintanceship with Wilde. He was followed in the witness box by the bookseller’s assistant, Edward Shelley, who appeared much distressed.

Shelly was questioned by Sir Edward Clarke in cross-examination as to letters which he had addressed in 1894 to Wilde appealing to him for assistance. His father had turned him out of his home, and he had resigned his position in the publishing office owing to his friendship with prisoner. Shelly explained some expressions in these letters by saying his brain was disordered at the time he wrote.

At the request of Sir Edward Clarke; Frederick Atkins was recalled, and questioned on a document handed to the judge by the learned counsel.

The case was adjourned until to-day.

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