The Philadelphia Inquirer - Thursday, May 23, 1895

Special Cable to The Inquirer, Copyright, 1895.

LONDON, May 22. — While Oscar Wilde's trial was proceeding at Old Bailey this morning two of the eccentric Queensberry family—the Marquis and his heir apparent, Lord Douglas of Hawick, whom he hates almost as furiously as he does his younger son, Lord Alfred Douglas—were in the Marlborough Street Police Court explaining about their fight in Piccadilly yesterday afternoon.

Lord Douglas, with his left eye black, a hugely swollen witness of his old father's prowess, was content to be heard through his solicitor, but the Marquis of Queensberry had no lawyer and was loquacious in his own defense.

He told how he had written letter after letter to his eldest son about the Wilde affair in general and Hawick's stand for Wilde in particular.

"At last," said the Marquis, "my letters were returned unopened. I was forced to write to my son's wife in order to reach him.

"I wanted to find out where Lord Alfred Douglas was, and whether it was true that my eldest son was harboring Wilde.

"Yesterday my son rushed up to me and, without provocation, assaulted me. I defended myself.

"Three times we were separated, and each time he followed me and attacked me again."


Lord Douglas' lawyer said the Marquis had been writing filthy letters to his client's wife. These letters were produced and were read by the justice, who resisted Queensberry's excited entreaties that they be put in evidence and given to the public.

Douglas' lawyer read one communication, which was in the form of a telegram to Lady Douglas of Hawick. Queensberry must have sent it only a few minutes before his son attacked him and after the verdict of the jury in the Taylor case had been announced:

"I must congratulate you on the result of the trial. I cannot on Percy's appearance. He looks like a dried up corpse. I fear he has had too much madness of kissing. Taylor guilty. Wilde's turn to-morrow."

Lord Douglas' lawyer then said:

"Again and again my client has requested him to stop sending these communications to his wife. He promised to stop, but only the other day he sent a picture of an antediluvian monster with 'this is Wilde's ancestor' written under it.

"My client approached the Marquis of Queensberry yesterday, solely to ask him to cease his obscene writing to Lady Douglas."

Both sides produced witnesses, but the testimony all showed that however aggressive a apart of the famous boxing Marquis may have taken in the row, the onset was made every time by his son.


The Magistrate deplored bringing a family quarrel into the police courts, and reprimanded both father and son and bound them over in £500 to keep the peace six months.

Farther and son were side by side in the dock during the whole hearing. They stood side by side while signing the bond and went out of the court room together, but neither spoke to the other.

There was a great crowd outside the court room, and the Marquis was loudly cheered when he appeared. Immediately after the court proceedings the Marquis repaired to Willis' rooms, the most fashionable of London restaurants, where he had luncheon with a lady and a young girl.

He was in great glee. He wore a very large white boutonniere, and evidently enjoyed the attention he received from the other guests. He showed to his companions the picture he had sent Lady Hawick.

It was a full-page representation in one of the weekly papers of a prehistoric iguanodon as restored by Professor Woodward and placed in Kensington Museum.


The Marquis of Queensberry talked with the utmost freedom to The Inquirer correspondent this evening. He said:

"The cause of my son's anger was this: Before Wilde was released on bail I went to Holloway Prison and left a note saying if he went about with my younger son, Lord Alfred Douglas, after his release he would do it at serious risk. He sent no reply. I accordingly put detectives on him and called at the hotel after his release, but he refused to see me. My other son, Lord Douglas, took him and his lawyer to dine, but just as they were sitting down to dinner I appeared, and Wilde forthwith fled cut of the house.

"I heard next day that Wilde had gone to stay at Lord Douglas' country house at Kingston on the Thames and that Alfred was there. I represented myself at the house and was received by Lady Douglas, who refused me admission and said I should not come there. Subsequently I learned that Alfred was at Rouen, Oscar Wilde having frightened him into leaving the country by falsely stating that a warrant had been issued for his arrest."

"Do you believe Wilde will be convicted?"

"A million to one on it, though I was scanning the jury to-day and I think there are a couple of queer looking fellows among them."

"Do you believe the authorities want a conviction?"

"It looks as if they didn't. They have got no fresh evidence, as they might have done. By the way, there is on matter I would like you to mention—that is the shabby way the authorities have treated me. They are relying altogether on the case prepared at my expense. It has cost me £2000, and when I applied to the Treasury for compensation they offered me £35. I protested against this meanness and they offered me £100, but I told them they might keep it. I intend to get a question put in Parliament on the subject when the case is concluded, and have already seen Labouchere about it. I am a poor man and can't stand this expense.

"My sole object was to keep Wilde and Alfred apart, so I hope Wilde will be convicted. Should he escape, I will pursue him until I am satisfied the intimacy between them is stopped."


Galignani Messenger - Thursday, May 23, 1895

London, May 22.

The little court at Markborough-street has never been so crowded as it was this morning since Oscar Wilde initiated the famous libel proceedings against the Marquis of Queensberry. As then, so now, the Marquis figures in the role of defendant, but on this occasion he has a companion in adversity in the person of his own son, Lord Douglas of Harwick. Both of the principals of the Piccadilly rumpus were early upon the scene, the Marquis being the first to arrive. For a few minutes he loitered outside the court, the central figure of a gathering crowd, but after he had been joined by his solicitor he proceeded to push his way through the group which barred the entrance to the court. In his buttonhole he wore three Marcebal Niel roses. Lord Douglas entered the building soon afterwards, and it was at once observed that both of his eyes were black. As soon as Mr. Hannay had taken his seat both were put into the dock and charged with disorderly conduct and fighting in Piccadilly.

The first witness was Constable C C 32, who found the Marquis and his son fighting. The constable separated them, after which they again closed, and witness parted them again. Both father and son then crossed Bond-street. They met again, and recommenced fighting. Witness thereupon arrested the Marquis, and his son was taken in charge by another constable. At Vine-street the Marquis, in reply to the charge, said, "It is quite correct."

The Marquis, who defended himself, only asked one question, which suggested that Lord Douglas began the attack, and continued it while the Marquis was walking to the hotel.

Mr. S.T. Stoneham (for Lord Douglas): At the station did you hear the Marquis say anything? Witness: I heard the Marquis say he was willing to fight his son for £10,000. You did not hear Lord Queensberry call his son an opprobrious name? No.

Constable C R 6, who was also on the spot, was asked who struck the first blow, and the witness fancied that it was Lord Douglas.

Mr. Stoneham: Didn't Lord Douglas say that he had spoken to his father, and asked him to discontinue those letters and that they were the cause of the row? Witness: Yes; similar words to those.

The inspector who received the distinguished defendant at Vine-street was the next witness. After the charge had been read over to them the Marquis exclaimed, "That is my son, who has bailed Oscar Wilde to-day. He has been following me about and struck me in Piccadilly." Lord Douglas added, "Yes; that occurred through my father writing letters to my wife of a most disgusting character."

This was the case for the police, and the Marquis then proceeded to make his statement. He had driven up, he said, from the Old Bailey at the bottom of St. James's-street. As he was crossing the road to go up to Albemarle-street he saw his son walking down Piccadilly. As soon as the latter recognized him Lord Douglas "came straight at me, almost at a run, and pushed me up against a shop window, at the same time speaking at the top of his voice. I struck him certainly," added the Marquis, "but it was done in self-defence."

Mr. Stoneham, in giving Lord Douglas's version of the affray, said he and a friend walking in Piccadilly saw Lord Queensberry crossing the street. The Marquis had evidently just come out of a post-office, where he had sent the following telegram to Lord Douglas's wife:-

"Must congratulate on verdict. Cannot on Percy's appearance; looked like a dug-up corpse. Fear too much madness of kissing. Taylor guilty. Wilde's turn tomorrow. -Queensberry.

"That," said Mr. Stoneham, "is a sample of the letters Lord Queensberry has been writing not only to Lord Douglas's wife, but other members of the family. He has been requested time after time to stop these letters, but he still persists in continuing the annoyance.''

Lord Queensberry here broke in with the remark that, as his son refused to receive any letters from himself, he was obliged to write to his wife.

Mr. Hannay thought these family affairs had nothing to do with the case, and suggested that the Marquis should call his witnesses.

Accordingly Mr. Charles T. Sheriff, who was an eye-witness of the occurrence, was called to say that Lord Douglas began the attack. Both defendants admitted fighting, the only question being the issue of who struck the first blow.

Lord Queensberry's second witness, Mr. Charles Taylor, swore that he saw the son begin the fight by knocking his father against the painters' trestles outside the shop.

The magistrate bound each over to his own recognisances in the sum of £500, to keep the peace for six months.

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