Original paragraph in
The Argus - Friday, April 5, 1895
The trial of the Marquis of Queensberry on the charge of having criminally libelled Mr. Oscar Wilde, the well-known author and dramatist, was continued to-day.
The trial of the Marquis of Queensberry for libelling Mr. Oscar Wilde, the well-known literateur and dramatist, was continued to-day.
Mr. Oscar Wilde was subjected to a stringent cross-examination by the counsel for the accused. The object of this was to show that Mr. Wilde's story, The Picture of Dorian Gray, originally published in Lippincott's Magazine, and several articles which appeared in the Chameleon, a magazine with which he was connected, were calculated to induce criminal practices.
Mr. Wilde, however, insisted that these writings had no such meaning, but were merely an expression of the artistic faculty. He declared that his letters to Lord Alfred Douglas were prose poems, extraordinary perhaps, but not justifying an immoral interpretation.
In further cross-examination, witness admitted that he gave to one person, who was alleged to have levied blackmail on him, the sum of £21, and that he afterwards lunched with him in a private room. He also made the admission that he had been on terms of intimacy with two lads who were not his social equals, and that he had given them considerable sums of money as well as expensive presents, but he asserted that he only did this because he liked them.
During his cross-examination Mr. Oscar Wilde indulged in many smart epigrams and paradoxes, his whole demeanour being marked by much extravagance, and causing great amusement in court.
The case was adjourned, the Marquis of Queensberry being allowed bail.
The trial of the Marquis of Queensberry was resumed to-day, when the cross-examination of Mr. Oscar Wilde, the prosecutor, was continued.
Mr. Wilde stated that he was acquainted with three men named Taylor, Parker, and Atkins. Taylor introduced him to five young men on separate occasions, and he (witness) gave money to all of them. He was not aware that any of them were gentlemen's servants. His reason for making their acquaintance was that it was a pleasure to him to be in the company of bright, happy people. He had frequently visited Taylor's room. He was aware that both Taylor and Parker had once been arrested, but his friendship for them was not affected by that knowledge.
Mr. Wilde further stated in cross-examination that he once took Atkins to Paris. Taylor introduced him to a youth named Ernest Scarp, who became acquainted with Lord Alfred Douglas during a voyage to Australia. Witness made presents to Scarp, and also to another youth named Mabor, because he liked them.
Certain letters from the youths already named to Mr. Oscar Wilde were read, which showed that the writers were poverty-stricken. Some of them implored assistance and employment.
Letters were read showing the attempts that were made by the Marquis of Queensberry to prevent his son from visiting Mr. Oscar Wilde. The son, Lord Alfred Douglas, telegraphed to his father in a very flippant way alluding to him as a "funny little man." Lord Queensberry, in consequence, called at Mr. Oscar Wilde's house, where a furious scene was enacted. Accusations similar to those upon which the charge is based were made by the Marquis of Queensberry, and indignantly denied by Mr. Wilde, who concluded the interview by showing his visitor the door. Lord Queensberry wrote complaining of the fact that Lady Queensberry was encouraging their son in his friendship with Mr. Oscar Wilde.