The trial of Oscar Wilde and Taylor, his associate, was continued at the Central Criminal Court, Old Bailey, to-day.
At the close of the evidence for the prosecution counsel for the Crown withdrew the charges of conspiracy. The charge on which the accused are being tried is that of misdemeanour.
The case for the defence was then entered upon. Oscar Wilde went into the witness-box and emphatically denied all the charges against him, alleging that he was the victim of blackmail.
Taylor was placed in the witness-box to-day. He swore that he was absolutely innocent of the crimes imputed to him.
Sir Edward Clarke, Q.C. M.P., made an eloquent speech for the defence. He reviewed the evidence, and claimed an acquittal on the ground that the chief witnesses for the Crown were tainted.
Sir Edward Clarke, Q.C., M.P. (late Solicitor-General) afterwards made an eloquent speech for the defence. He reviewed the evidence against the accused at great length, and in conclusion claimed the acquittal of his clients on the ground that the chief witnesses for the Crown were tainted.
The Judge will sum up the case tomorrow.
The Judge will sum up the case to the jury to-morrow.