The trial of the Marquis of Queensberry for criminally libelling Mr. Oscar Wilde, the well known dramatist, was continued to-day, the cross-examination of the complainant, Mr. Oscar Wilde, being continued. The alleged libel is contained on a post-card which the Marquis left with the hall porter at Mr. Wilde's club. The defence is justification, the Marquis declaring that the letter was written with the object of saving his son, Lord Alfred Douglas, from immoral influences exerted over him by Mr. Wilde. The defence is based on revelations contained in certain letters from Mr. Wilde to Lord Alfred Douglas. For some of these letters Mr. Wilde has had, it is alleged, to pay heavy blackmail. The letters, which were of a very gushing character, were found in some old clothes which Lord Alfred Douglas had given away.
Mr. Oscar Wilde stated, in cross-examination, that he was acquainted with three men named Taylor, Parkes, and Atkins. Taylor introduced him to five young men on separate occasions. To these young men witness had given money. He was not aware that they or any of them were gentlemen's servants. It was a pleasure being in their company, as they were bright and happy people. Witness visited Taylor's rooms frequently. He became aware that Taylor and Parkes had once been arrested, but that knowledge did not lead him to discontinue his friendship with them. He once took Atkins to Paris. Taylor introduced him to a youth named Ernest Scarp, who had become acquainted with Lord Douglas during a voyage to Australia. Witness made presents to Scarp and Taylor because he liked them.
Counsel for the Marquis of Queensberry read letters in Court showing that the Marquis endeavoured to stop his son, Lord Alfred Douglas, visiting Mr. Wilde. Lord Alfred wired to his father saying that Mr. Wilde was a funny little man. The Marquis called at Mr. Wilde's house and made certain charges against Mr. Wilde. A furious scene ensued, in the course of which Mr. Wilde denied the charges and closed the interview by showing the Marquis the door. The Marquis subsequently wrote complaining that Mrs. Wilde encouraged his son to persist in his friendship with her husband.
Letters were read in Court from the youths already named. These letters showed that the writers were living in poverty and were striken with shame. They implored assistance and employment.
In cross-examination Mr. Wilde admitted that he was on terms of close intimacy with the young men mentioned. He had introduced Taylor to his friends and had dined with him at fashionable restaurants. He had also on several occasions spent the night with his guests at his hotel, but nothing improper occurred on those occasions. He was regardless of the social inferiority of those with whom he associated, provided that they were an amusing class of people.
A letter was put in as evidence which showed that Lord Alfred Douglas had threatened to shoot his father, if his father attempted to thrash him.
In one of the Marquis of Queensberry's letters reference was made to an eminent statesman, but the reference was purely political.
Some letters of the Marquis of Queensberry read referred to eminent statesmen, but the references to them were only political.
The case for the prosecution closed today, and Mr. Carson, Q.C., M.P., leading counsel for the Marquis of Queensberry, began his speech for the defence. He declared that Mr. Wilde's protègés were amongst the most immoral men in London. He commented on the fact that the prosecution did not put Taylor into the witness box. He declared that Mr. Wilde's intimacies with the young man were absolutely irreconcileable with his claims to be regarded as an exponent of culture. His literary work alone justified the steps taken by the Marquis of Queensberry. Witnesses would, however, be called who would prove the case for the defence up to the hilt. Among the witnesses would be the man Wood, who was the chief among Mr. Wilde's blackmailers.
The Queensberry-Wilde criminal libel action has been brought to a sudden and startling close. Mr. Wilde's counsel announced that he had decided to withdraw from the case. The jury returned a verdict of not guilty, and expressed the opinion that the Marquis of Queensberry's charges were made for the public benefit. It is expected that a warrant will be issued for Mr. Wilde's arrest.