The first opportunity will be taken by SIr Edward Clarke upon his return from the country to bring forward a motion in the High Courts dealing with the points of law to be argued on the demurrer reserved by Mr. Justice Collins at the first trial of Oscar Wilde. The motion will probably take the form of a demand that the criminal proceedings against Wilde were legally irregular, particularly in respect to the indictment of conspiracy being joined to charges under the Criminal Law Amendment Act.
The Exchange Company states that the first opportunity will be taken by Sir Edward Clarke upon his return from the country to bring forward a motion in the High Courts dealing with the points of law to be argued on the demurrer reserved by Mr Justice Collins at the first trial of Oscar Wilde. The motion will probably take the form of a demand that the criminal proceedings against Wilde were legally irregular, particularly in respect to the indictment of conspiracy being joined to charges under the Criminal Law Amendment Act.
The mental condition of Oscar Wilde is at the present moment the cause of much anxiety to the prison officials at Pentonville. He is under special medical supervision.