London, May 1 — In the Old Bailey court today Justice Charles summed up the case against Oscar Wilde and Alfred Taylor. The justice in so doing said that counselor for the prosecution acted wisely in withdrawing the charge of conspiracy brought against Wilde, as he, Justice Charles, would have ordered the jury to bring in a verdict of "not guilty" on that specification. He admitted that there was corroboration of the witnesses, but the jury, he added, would have to weigh the characters of men like Parker, Wood and Atkins, whom Sir Edward Clarke, in the justice’s opinion, properly described as blackmailers. The justice also urged the jury not to be influenced by Wilde’s writings, saying that many great men had written indecently. The jury must exercise their own judgment as to whether Wilde’s letter to Lord Alfred Douglas evidenced an unnatural passion and he also said, the relations between Shelly and Wilde would be an interesting matter for the jury’s judgment. The jury retired at 1.30 p. m.
London, May 1 — In the Old Bailey to-day, Justice Charles summed up the case against Oscar Wilde and Alfred Taylor. The Justice, in so doing, said that counsel for the prosecution acted wisely in withdrawing the charge of conspiracy brought against Wilde, as he, Justice Charles, would have ordered the jury to bring to a verdict of not guilty on that specification. He admitted that there was corroboration of the witness, but the jury, he added, would have to weigh the characters of men like Parker, Wood and Atkins, whom Sir Edward Clarke, in the Justice’s opinion, properly described as blackmailers. The justice also urged the jury not to be influenced by Wilde’s writings, saying that many great men had written indecently. The jury must exercise their own judgement as to whether Wilde’s letters to Lord Alfred Douglas breathed an unutterable passion, and he also said the relations between Shelly and Wilde would be an interesting matter for the jury’s judgement.
Later — The Wilde jury disagreed.
London, May 1 — The Wilde Jury disagreed.