A special cable to the New York Sun from London says: Most observers of tbs English character would have declared it impossible to arouse the phlegmatic conscience and emotions of the nation to such a pitch of intensity as is today manifesting itself in all classes. The horror, loathing and anger which the revelations of the Wilde-Queensberry case have caused can be compared only with one of those whirlwinds of passion which once in a few decades suddenly sweeps over the nation and by its very violence restores confidence in human nature. Not until today, apparently, has the country realized that the moral pestilence in the atmosphere had been doing a deadly work.
The charges on which Oscar Wilde and Alfred Taylor were convicted have precluded any greater sentence than two years. This full penalty was inflicted by Mr. Justice Wills, who regretted the sentence was not heavier. A London correspondent writing on the case says:—Most observers of the English character would have declared it impossible to arouse the phlegmatic conscience and emotions of the nation to such a pitch of intensity as is to-day manifesting itself in all classes. The horror, loathing and anger which the revelations of the Wilde case have caused can be compared only with one of those whirlwinds of passion which once in a few decades suddenly sweeps over the nation and by its very violence restores confidence in human nature. Not until to-day, apparently, has the country realised that the moral pestilence in the atmosphere has been doing a deadly work.
Already there are signs of popular revenge, and the reformers will be indiscriminating and unreasoning in their work. The finger of suspicion is already carrying condemnation wherever it is pointed. Many will suffer fearful social penalties who are absolutely innocent, but the general effect of the great onslaught of public opinion which has now began will be salutary and for the purifying of the nation.
Already there are signs of popular revenge, and the reformers will be indiscriminating and unreasoning in their work. The linger of suspicion is already carrying condemnation wherever it is pointed. Many will suffer fearful social penalties who are absolutely innocent, but the general effect of the great onslaught of public opinion which has now begun will be salutary and for the purifying of the nation.
The best sign of all is that Englishmen are ashamed. They feel that a deep, black national disgrace has been uncovered, and the feeling is more poignant because it is new to them. Their anger against the human reptiles who have brought this shame upon them is indescribable. It not only demands the swiftest and severest punishment, but it has been instantly turned against every art, every fad and innovation with which those accused or suspected have been identified. Today's newspapers are unanimous, for instance, in pronouncing the doom of estheticism and everything connected with that cult.
The best sign of all is that Englishmen are ashamed. They feel that a deep, black, national disgrace has been uncovered, and the feeling is more poignant because it is now to them. Their anger against the human reptiles who have brought this shame upon them is indescribable. It not only demands the swiftest and severest punishment, but it has been instantly turned against every art, every fad, every innovation with which those accused or suspected have been identified.
Regarding the methods which society, now so thoroughly aroused and exasperated, will employ for dealing with the evil, it may be said that the Government has wisely decided upon sharp, rapid and severe action. Evidence has accumulated in the last few days ample for the condemnation of several leaders of the abominable coterie, which has its ramifications throughout Europe. They will be arrested and railroaded as fast as possible to penal servitude.
Regarding the methods which society, now so thoroughly aroused and exasperated, will employ for dealing with the evil, it may be said that the Government has wisely decided upon sharp, rapid and severe action. Evidence has accumulated in the last few days ample for the condemnation of several leaders of the abominable coterie, which has its ramifications throughout Europe. They will be arrested and railroaded as fast as possible to penal servitude.
The Government promptly began by arresting Alfred Taylor, whom the police say has long been known as the leader of this infamous band. Like others of his class the development of his mania has followed the sudden accession of wealth and luxury. His father, who was prominent in the city, and was once close to the Lord Mayor's chair, left him an immense fortune, which he need to gratify every physical appetite.
Alfred Taylor, the police say, has long been known as the leader of this infamous band. Like others of his class, the development of his mania has followed the sudden accession of wealth and luxury. His father, who was prominent in the city, and was once close to the Lord Mayor's chair, left him an immense fortune, which he used to gratify every physical appetite.
He spent £60,000 furnishing his house, which had been tbsp headquarters of this class of sensualists. The victims of himself and his crew were dazzled by the oriental luxuries of the place. One of the features of the drawing room, to which daylight is never admitted, is a marble fountain distributing perfume instead of water. The police searched the whole place recently.
The police have reason to believe that this exposure is already causing a panic stricken exodus of many people from England, such as followed the Cleveland street scandal a few years ago. There are some who are not known in society among them. The effect of the Wilde case has been intensified in the public mind by the trial of Lord Russell's matrimonial suit at the same time. The same charge is at the basis of this case, and if it had not been overshadowed by the Wilde-Queensberry scandal it would have made a great sensation.
The police have reason to believe that the exposure is causing a panic-stricken exodus of many people from England, such as followed the Cleveland-street scandal a few years ago. There are some who are not unknown in society among them. The effect of the Wilde case has been intensified in the public mind by the trial of Lord Russell's matrimonial suit at the same time. The same charge is at the basis of this case, and if it had not been overshadowed by the Wilde-Queensberry scandal it would have made a great sensation.