Most similar paragraph from
Daily Times - Wednesday, May 22, 1895
London, May 22 — At Marlborough Street police court this morning the Marquis of Queensbury and his son, Lord Douglas of Hawick, were bound over, each in £500 bail to keep the peace. Their appearance in the police court today was the result of their encounter yesterday afternoon in Piccadilly.
London, May 22 — The second trial of Oscar Wilde began today in Old Bailey court before Justice Wills. A dense crowd of interested spectators was present. Wilde was very restless, and looked worried and careworn.
London, May 22.— The second trial of Oscar Wilde began to-day at Old Bailey before Justice Wills. A dense crowd of interested spectators were present. Wilde was very restless and looks worried and careworn.
London, May 22 — Marquis of Queensbury is present at the Wilde trial today. During the morning session Wilde was taken ill and he was obliged to leave the court.