A London cable says Oscar Wilde after he was sentenced last Saturday, was taken to Hollaway jail, in the northern part of London. There all his money and valuables were taken away by the warden. He was stripped to his shirt, and the officers wrote down in the prison register a minute account of his appearance, the color of his eyes, hair and complexion, and any peculiarities, such as a broken finger, tattoo marks and moles. Then Wilde was put into a hot bath and shirt, the last vestige of his days of freedom, was removed. Emerging from the water, he found a full suit of prison clothes ready for him, from underlinen to loose shoes and a hideous Scotch cap. His clothes are of a dirty drab canvas, plentifully adorned with drab arrows. Shortly afterward Wilde ate his first real prison meal, an allowance of thin porridge and a small brown loaf.
London, May 27. - [New York World Special Cable.] - Oscar Wilde after sentence Saturday was taken to Holloway Jail, in the northern part of London, where all his money and valuables were removed by the Warden. He was stripped to his shirt, and an officer wrote down in the prison ledgers a minute account of his appearance, distinctive marks, color of his eyes and hair, his complexion, and any peculiarities, such as a broken finger, tattoo marks, moles, etc. Then he was put in a hot bath and his shirt, the last vestige of his days of freedom, was removed. Emerging from the water he found a full suit of prison clothes ready for him, from under linen to loose shoes, and a hideous Scotch cap. The clothes are of a dirty drab canvas, plentifully adorned with broad arrows. Shortly afterwards he ate his first real prison meal, an allowance of thin porridge and a small brown loaf. Then he was taken to Pentonville, hard by Holborn Viaduct, the prison for convicted criminals.
He was taken on Tuesday to Pentonville, hard by the Holborn viaduct, a prison for convicted criminals. He was examined physically with great care, since upon the medical officers’ report will depend what labor he is to do. If passed sound and fit for first-class hard work he will take his first six months' exercise In the treadwheel six hours daily, making an ascent of 6,000 feet 20 minutes continuously and then a rest for five minutes. The government inspector will visit him once a month and hear any representation or complaint, and the visiting committee of the London magistrates will call frequently at the prison for the same laudable purpose. On his release Wilde, if he has worked well, will have earned the magnificent sum of ten shillings.
While Oscar Wilde’s case has obtained the public attention recently, the London police reports show that the persons accused for the offence which he was convicted come frequently before the magistrates. On the very day he was convicted John Goodchild, 23 years old, and said to have a good education, was sentenced to two years at hard labor for the identical crime. The judge remarked that no country could remain great while such persons were allowed to live free in it. He believed, indeed, that they should not be allowed to live at all.