No matter what may be the outcome of the Wilde case, whether ho goes free or is sent to serve a term, the death knell of Wildeism has been rung. The prurient plays of Wilde and the cognate productions, "The Second Mrs. Tanquery" and "The Notorious Mrs. Ebbsmith," are doomed, and there is a strong reaction towards a healthier treatment of stage representations, while the current decadent literateur will get a setback.
No matter what may be the outcome of the case, whether Wilde goes free or is sent to prison, the death knell of Wildeism has been rung and the corpse is prepared for burial. The prurient plays of Wilde and the cognate productions, "The Second Mrs. Tanqueray," and "The Notorious Mrs. Ebbsmith," which are now called "Dinerotic," are doomed, and there is a strong reaction towards a healthier treatment of stage representations, while the current decadent literature will also get a setback.