London, May 26.- The trial of Oscar Wilde was resumed in the Old Bailey court this morning. Sir Frank Lockwood addressed the jury for the prosecution. He dilated upon the intimacy of Wilde with Taylor, and said that leniency ought not to be shown to one and not to the other because of the position and intellect of the one.
Sir Edward Clarke protested against counsel's confusing Taylor's case with Wilde.
Sir F. Lockwood expressed the hope that the jury would not regard Wilde's letters as "prose poems", but would appreciate them at their proper level which was rather lower than that of beasts.
Sir Edward Clarke objected to the language used by the prosecuting counsel and a heated argument between the two ensued. After a protracted wrangle the judge interfered, and advised Lockwood to confine himself to a discussion of the evidence and not start out upon any rhetorical denunciations of the prisoner.
Lockwood finished his address by saying that Wilde's own admissions proved conclusively his guilt.
The judge in summing up said that Wylde had confessed that his conduct in regard to Lord Alfred Douglas had been such that he (the judge) could not ask the jury as in previous trials to say that there was no ground for charging him with having posed as a criminal.
In regard to Wilde’s letters to Lord Douglas, he said they might be "prose poems," but they were none the less poison to a young man's mind, and the writer was clearly not a desirable companion tor the young.
The Judge finished his charge at three o'clock, and the jury retired. Before the jury retired the foreman asked the court if a warrant had been issued for the arrest of Lord Alfred Douglas. The judge said no warrant had been issued, whereupon the foreman said: "But if we must consider these letters as evidence of guilt they surely show that Lord Douglas' guilt is equal to that of Wilde."
Wilde and Taylor have both been sentenced to two years at hard labor.
Wilde and Taylor were each sentenced to two years' imprisonment with hard labour.