Most similar paragraph from
The Gazette - Monday, May 27, 1895
London, May 25.- In the Wilde case the jury returned a verdict of "guilty" against Wilde on every count of the indictment, except the one with reference to Shelley. Taylor was brought from his cell and placed in the dock with Wilde. The judge then addressed the prisoners. He said that the case was the worst he ever had dealt with. The verdict of the jury was right. He could not persuade himself to entertain a shadow of doubt that persons who could do the things of which the prisoners had been found guilty, were dead to every sense of shame. It would be a waste of words to address them further. He could not do anything except to pass the extreme sentence of the law, which, in his judgement, was totally inadequate. Wilde was sentenced to two years and Taylor was dealt with summarily.
The jury returned a verdict of guilty against Wilde on every count of the indictment except the one with reference to Shelley. Taylor was brought from his cell and placed in the dock with Wilde. The judge then addressed the prisoners. He said that the case was the worst he ever had dealt with. The verdict of the jury was right. He could not persuade himself to entertain a shadow of doubt that persons who could do the things of which the prisoners had been found guilty were dead to every sense of shame. It would be a waste of words to address them further. He could not do anything except to pass the extreme sentence of the law, which, in his judgment, was totally inadequate.