London, Saturday.The Press Association states that Baron Pollock to-day consented to release of Oscar Wilde on personal bail of £2,500, coupled with two sureties of £1,250 each.
The Press Association states that Mr. Baron Pollock to-day consented to the release of Oscar Wilde on personal bail of £2,500 coupled with two sureties of £1,250.
The Press Association in a later message states on authority of Mr Humphreys, solicitor to Oscar Wilde, that after the bail had been fixed by Baron Pollock an application was made that one surety of £2,500 should be accepted instead of two sureties of £1,250 each. The application will be renewed on Monday, when his lordship will give his decision.
Mr Humphreys states that Oscar Wilde could if necessary find one security for £5,000.