The Press Association states on reliable authority, that during the greater part of the time since his release Mr Oscar Wilde has been staying with his mother, Lady Wilde, at her residence in South West London; and Messrs Humphreys and Sons, his solicitors, state that their client will surrender at the Old Bailey on Monday prior to the trial, fixed for 11 o’clock. So far as can be ascertained, Wilde and Taylor will be arraigned together. The case will last two or three days only.
LONDON, SATURDAY.Since he was admitted to bail Mr. Oscar Wilde has been staying with his mother, Lady Wilde, at her residence in the south-west of London. Messrs. Humphreys & Sons, his solicitors, state that their client will surrender at the Old Bailey on Monday prior to the trial, fixed for eleven o’clock. So far as can be ascertained Wilde and Taylor will be arraigned together. The case will, it is expected, be disposed of in three, if not a couple of days.