Most similar paragraph from
The Boston Post - Friday, April 19, 1895
Paris, April 17. - In an article in the Figaro, Jules Huret recently spoke of Catulle Mendes, a poet and playwright, as Oscar Wilde's intimate friend. Mendes at once demanded satisfaction for the insinuation which he found in this term. The duel was fought with swords to-day in the St. Germain forest Mendes was wounded in the forearm.
PARIS, April 18. - In an article in the Figaro, Jules Hurst recently spoke of Catulle Mendes, the poet and playwright, as Oscar Wilde's intimate friend. Mendes at once demanded satisfaction for the insinuation which he found in this term. The duel was fought with swords yesterday in the St. Germain forest. Mendes was wounded in the forearm.