A London newspaper-vendor says that during the Wilde trials he sold twice as any evening papers to women as to men. The idea of woman's "native modesty" is by this time pretty well exploded. Women are no more modest than men—perhaps not so much so. But they sham modesty better and oftener than men, because men expect it from them, and heredity and social conventions make the pleasing of men their first object in life.
A London Newspaper vendor says that during the Wilde trials he sold twice as many evening papers to women as to men. The idea of woman's "native modesty" is by this time pretty well exploded. Women are no more modest than men--perhaps not so much so. But they sham modesty better and oftener than men because men expect it from them, and heredity and social conventions make the pleasing of men their first object in life. Had Oscar Wilde got off he dare to come to Australia with one of the Douglases, and live "somewhere in the wild bush" until the memory of his exploits had faded. But it was ordered otherwise.