London, May 18. -- Oscar Wilde will appear in court on Monday for his new trial very much improved in health. His wife joined him immediately after his release, and since that time both have been staying in seclusion at Kensington, seeing only the few friends who still believe Wilde more eccentric than guilty. It is said that he is hopeful of acquittal.
He appeared in Court on Monday, the 20th. His wife joined him immediately after his release, and since that time both have been living in seclusion at Kensington, seeing only those friends, who believe the man more eccentric than guilty. He appeared to be hopeful of acquittal.
New York, May 18. -- Mrs. Frank Leslie has given up her business and is going to Europe to stay until fall to spend several months with her friend, Lady Wilde, who is greatly broken up over the scandals regarding her son Oscar.
"I do not make this change because I contemplate retiring from business," said Mrs. Leslie yesterday. I find it necessary to make an extended stay abroad just at this time. I had a chance to profitably lease my business in this manner, and took it. Yes, I intend to spend much of my time abroad with Lady Wilde. She has arisen from a sick bed to struggle for him against his traducers, and she has confidence in him.
"There is no truth whatever in the newspapner rumors that Mrs. Oscar Wilde will get a divorce. She and her husband are now living together at a quiet resort in England.
"Do I expect to see my former husband. Willie Wilde? Why, I think I shall see him. Willie is only a wayward boy, and our little mistake does not interfere wit the friendship that will always exist between Lady Wilde and myself."