London, April 11– Great crowds of people were gathered outside and inside Bow street police court this morning when Oscar Wilde and Alfred Taylor were taken from the prison in a black maria to the court for the continuance of their examination. The court opened at 11 o’clock with both prisoners in the dock. Wilde looked haggard and worn and greatly changed since he first appeared as plaintiff in his suit for libel against the Marquis of Queensberry. He was much subdued in manner also, although he smiled once or twice at certain questions which were put to him. He seemed to realize the gravity of the situation in which he found himself. He was dressed as faultlessly as ever, carrying a shining silk hat in his hand and displaying on his ungloved fingers many sparkling gems. Taylor, Wilde’s fellow prisoner, behaved in the same sneeringly indifferent manner and was evidently not as deeply impressed with the seriousness of the charges brought againts him as was his companion in the prisoner’s dock.
Sir Edward Clarke, formerly solicitor general, again appeared for Wilde and two lawyers acted as counsel for Taylor. The prisoners are evidently making a desperate fight. Their lawyers to-day delayed the proceedings in every possible way and the examination of the accused promise to be a long affair. Taylor’s lawyer said that he would recall all of the witnesses who were examined on Saturday last, as Taylor was not represented by counsel upon that occasion.
Sir Edward Clarke appeared for Wilde, and two lawyers acted as counsel for Taylor. The prisoners are evidently making a desperate fight. Their lawyers today delayed the proceedings in every possible way and the examination of the accused promises to be a protected affair. Taylor's lawyers said that they would recall all of the witnesses who were examined on Saturday last, as Taylor was not represented by counsel on that occasion.
Several witnesses, new and old, were examined, adding details to the story already told and in support of the charge brought against Wilde by the prosecution. Both prisoners were then again remanded for a week, bail being refused.