London, May 7– Oscar Wilde was released on bail to-day, after furnishing personal bond for $12,500 and two sureties in $6,250 each. His sureties were Lord Douglas of Hawick, eldest surviving son of the Marquis of Queensberry, and the Rev. Stewart Headlam. The latter is a graduate of Cambridge university and resides at Hyde Park Gate. He was interviewed shortly after it became known that he was one of Wilde’s bondsmen and said:
"I became surety for Oscar Wilde on public grounds. I felt that the public mind was prejudiced before the case began, and I am anxious to give him any help possible to enable him to stand trial in good health and spirits."
At 2:30 P. M. Wilde was driven in a cab from Holloway jail to Bow street police court, where his bail was formally accepted. Then, in company with Lord Douglas of Hawick Wilde left the court.
At 2.30 p.m. Wilde was driven in a cab from Holloway gaol to Bow street police court, where his bail was formally accepted. Then, in company with Lord Alfred Douglas, of Hawick, Wilde left the court.