LONDON, April 11.—Great crowds of people were gathered outside and inside the Bow Street Police Court to-day, when Oscar Wilde and Alfred Taylor were brought from the prison at an early hour in a black maria in order to be examined on remand on the charge of having committed serious misdemeanors.
London, April 11 — Crowds gathered outside and inside of the Bow Street police court today, where Wilde and Alfred Taylor were brought from prison at an early hour in the Black Maria in order to be examined on remand on the charge of having committed serious misdemeanors.
The court opened at 11 o'clock with both prisoners in the dock. Wilde looked haggard and worn, and it was noticed that he has greatly changed since he appeared on the witness stand of the Old Bailey to prosecute his suit for libel against the Marquis of Queensberry, the collapse of which action in such an unexpected and sensational manner led to his arrest and the subsequent terrible disclosures. Wilde to-day was much more subdued, although he smiled once or twice at certain questions which were put to him. But he seemed to realize the gravity of the situation in which he found himself. He was dressed as faultlessly as ever, carrying a shining silk hat in his hand and displaying on his ungloved fingers many sparkling gems. There was a great deal of testimony on the line already published.
After the police had presented evidence concerning the arrests, Wilde and Taylor were remanded for a week, bail being refused.